Trooping the Color 2024, Kate Middleton returns to public at the parade for King Charles III

Kate Middleton is back in public after more than six months of absence from the scene: the Princess of Wales, who at 42 is facing cancer, took part in the key events of Trooping the Colour, the celebrations of the official (non-chronological) birthday of the king Charles III in London. William’s wife took part in the traditional parade, sitting in the carriage behind the sovereign with her three children. She then appeared from the balcony of Buckingham Palace with her family to greet the crowd. Elegant as usual, she appeared slimmer and smiling, although sometimes thoughtful. The princess herself announced her presence on Friday, with a message published on official social media. She explained that she is making “good progress” in her treatment of the disease and that she feels ready to return to public for some events, but that she is not out of the woods yet and that she will have good days and not so good days n



  • n
  • Kate Middleton shares new photo: “I’m better”


The video in which the princess announced that she had cancer



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“,”postId”:”383d9000-238a-4766-a9e8-96020fc41cb6″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T13:42:13.150Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T15:42:13+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Questo liveblog finisce qui”,”content”:”

Il liveblog finisce qui, continuate a seguire le notizie sulla diretta di Sky TG24.

“,”postId”:”e6377cc3-6664-4309-9333-f31a15a7da9b”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T13:41:12.596Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T15:41:12+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”Le frecce rosse”,”imgCredits”:”©Getty”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Il passaggio delle Frecce Rosse”,”content”:”

A chiudere le celebrazioni del Trooping the Colour, il tradizionale passaggio sopra Londra e sopra il palazzo reale delle Red Arrows (Frecce Rosse) della pattuglia acrobatica della Raf, seguite dalla scia rossa, bianca e blu dei colori dell’Union Jack.

“,”postId”:”9a07823f-0877-4dc2-a651-f5540c9394c3″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T13:17:09.921Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T15:17:09+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”Kate con William e i figli”,”imgCredits”:”©Getty”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Kate con William e i figli sul balcone”,”postId”:”47bad5b0-1661-4f38-b7e6-c3696f892856″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T13:06:00.512Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T15:06:00+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”Il saluto della famiglia reale dal balcone”,”imgCredits”:”©IPA/Fotogramma”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Il saluto dei reali”,”postId”:”3488dbf0-7055-4442-a36d-daf4c8965183″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T13:02:00.374Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T15:02:00+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”La famiglia reale sul balcone”,”imgCredits”:”©IPA/Fotogramma”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Chi c’era sul balcone”,”content”:”

L’evento ha visto la presenza di tutti i membri senior “attivi” di casa Windsor: il re e la regina, la principessa di Galles Kate con il consorte ed erede al trono Willam e i tre figli (George, Charlotte e l’irrefrenabile Louis), due fratelli del sovrano con i rispettivi consorti (il duca di Edimburgo Edoardo e la Princess Royal Anna), nonché i duchi di Gloucester e il duca di Kent, cugini della defunta Elisabetta II. Scontata l’assenza del secondogenito di Carlo e Diana, il principe Harry, rimasto negli Usa con la moglie Meghan Markle e i due figli, non avendo più un ruolo attivo di rappresentanza ufficiale della dinastia in seguito al suo strappo dalla famiglia reale nel 2020 e al successivo trasferimento in California.

“,”postId”:”73add41b-1ac0-4603-8fcd-42080dc62e26″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T12:56:00.292Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T14:56:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”I reali sul balcone di Buckingham Palace”,”content”:”

Sul balcone di Buckingham Palace re Carlo, uscito per primo con Camilla come da protocollo, è parso sorridente ma anche riflessivo, con Kate alla sua destra e la regina consorte alla sinistra. Dal basso si sono levate grida augurali dei sudditi e l’invocazione “Dio salvi il re”. Il sovrano ha conversato fittamente con la nuora, alternando sguardi verso l’alto e saluti alla gente. Il cielo da plumbeo che era si è aperto giusto in tempo, dopo un ultimo scroscio d’acqua, per consentire il volo radente di diversi aerei militari e da trasporto, culminato nel tradizionale passaggio sopra Londra e sopra il palazzo delle Red Arrows (Frecce Rosse) della pattuglia acrobatica della Raf, seguita dalla scia rossa, bianca e blu dei colori dell’Union Jack. La cerimonia del saluto dal balcone si è chiusa con l’inno nazionale, mentre prima dell’uscita dei reali erano riecheggiate le note – evidentemente di speranza – di una celeberrima canzone americana, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, tema del film Il mago di Oz, suonata proprio mentre fra le nubi qualcuno scorgeva le tracce di un arcobaleno.

“,”postId”:”330fa8ba-7a00-435c-a77f-9f9363bc6c91″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T12:45:00.131Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T14:45:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kate e i figli prima della parata. VIDEO”,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”4a01e9b9-1159-4d65-a4ee-9b790d66a86e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T12:36:00.600Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T14:36:00+0200″,”video”:{“videoId”:”932947″,”videoPageUrl”:””},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Trooping the Colour, Kate Middleton torna in pubblico. VIDEO”,”postId”:”14741c57-1812-4cd0-9429-7b60bf4dba5f”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T12:26:51.694Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T14:26:51+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”La famiglia reale saluta dal balcone”,”imgCredits”:”©Getty”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Il saluto dal balcone”,”postId”:”4fe066dd-9dc2-4fea-815c-dcc74d58a383″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T12:08:38.252Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T14:08:38+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Saluto reale dal balcone: Carlo e Kate dominano la scena”,”content”:”

C’è appena stato l’atteso e tradizionale saluto dei reali britannici senior dal balcone di Buckingham Palace, dopo il rientro dalla parata di Whitehall sotto una pioggia a tratti battente: ha così suggellato la celebrazione del compleanno ufficiale di re Carlo III. Il sovrano, con la regina Camilla, ha retto il centro della scena insieme alla principessa di Galles Kate, al ritorno in pubblico dopo oltre sei mesi segnati dalla comune battaglia contro il cancro, con il consorte William e i figli George, Charlotte e Louis. Migliaia i sudditi inneggianti. Condizionato dal meteo il passaggio di rito della pattuglia acrobatica della Raf.

“,”postId”:”acff197e-6ef7-4663-9f82-9fb555c9692d”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T11:56:00.669Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T13:56:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Tutti gli occhi su Kate”,”content”:”

Kate, impeccabile nella sua consueta eleganza, è apparsa dimagrita. Dopo l’arrivo in macchina a Buckingham Palace, quando sembrava un po’ pensierosa, ha partecipato sorridente alla parata a bordo di una carrozza e in compagnia dei tre figli. Poi è stata vista sorridere da un balconcino, attenta nel seguire le evoluzioni dei reparti sempre accanto ai tre figli: in particolare il piccolo Louis, vicino a lei per tutto il tempo, e come sempre disinvolto a rubare la scena fra battute e gesticolamenti.

“,”postId”:”9f9901c5-3ea2-4f3e-b736-73a3e4e37c19″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T11:54:43.989Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T13:54:43+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”Trooping the colour”,”imgCredits”:”©Ansa”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Kate Middleton sorridente alla parata”,”postId”:”99da1ad6-fc1e-466e-82f9-640fd6f3ee8f”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T11:42:00.466Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T13:42:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”La coreografia”,”content”:”

La parata del Trooping the colour si è svolta secondo una precisa coreografia, che va avanti dal 1748. Hanno preso parte all’evento circa 1.400 soldati e ufficiali in alta uniforme, al suono di musiche o marce varie eseguite dalla bande militari al passaggio dei reggimenti, come quello della Scottish Guard, dell’Irish Guard o della Welsh Guard, sotto i diversi colori di reparto. Il sovrano, protagonista assoluto in divisa, vi ha assistito al centro del quadrante, su una piattaforma coperta, con accanto la regina Camilla, fra scrosci di pioggia e qualche raro sprazzo di sole. Alle sue spalle, a cavallo, due dei suoi fratelli, il duca di Edimburgo, Edoardo e la principessa reale Anna, nonché il suo primogenito e l’erede al trono William, ciascuno in veste di comandante d’onore delle diverse unità.

“,”postId”:”a1f5a8ad-cbf1-4aea-a5b7-956210d4e357″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T11:33:48.773Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T13:33:48+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Sunak fra gli spettatori della parata di Trooping the Colour”,”content”:”

Il premier britannico Rishi Sunak ha assistito con la first lady Akshata Murty alla parata di Trooping the Colour in onore di re Carlo, conclusasi in questi minuti nel grande piazzale di Horse Guard Parade, nella cittadella di Whitehall, nel cuore di Londra, presso St James Park. Sunak è stato visto seduto nella tribunetta degli ospiti con altri invitati ed è stato ripreso mentre scattava foto col telefonino. Il primo ministro conservatore – nel pieno di una campagna elettorale che vede favorita l’opposizione laburista di sir Keir Starmer – è tornato giusto in tempo dal vertice italiano del G7 in Puglia, mentre in giornata è atteso poi in Svizzera per partecipare al summit a guida occidentale per “la pace in Ucraina”.

“,”postId”:”ddc84260-0ac8-41dc-9230-0bccf1afa9aa”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T11:15:00.925Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T13:15:00+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”Trooping the colour”,”imgCredits”:”©IPA/Fotogramma”,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”William, Edoardo e Anna a cavallo”,”content”:”

Alla parata hanno partecipato anche, a cavallo e non in carrozza, il principe William, il duca di Edimburgo Edoardo e la principessa Anna.

“,”postId”:”9eb685b2-da96-47e6-9e1f-52dacec18ac4″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T11:04:00.572Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T13:04:00+0200″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”Trooping the colour”,”imgCredits”:null,”imgCaption”:”(Ipa/Getty)”},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”Scatti dal Trooping the Colour 2024″,”postId”:”84c11fbc-47ba-4311-a85e-64346647c84e”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T10:55:00.190Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T12:55:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Le decorazioni”,”content”:”

In occasione della celebrazione vengono annunciate una serie di decorazioni (i cosiddetti Birthday Honours) che quest’anno vanno fra gli altri – con onorificenze fino al cavalierato che dà diritto al titolo di sir o di dame – a figure pubbliche quali Alan Bates (protagonista della denuncia di un clamoroso scandalo alle Poste britanniche), all’attrice Imelda Staunton, alla stilista Anya Hindmarch o all’artista Tracey Emin. Nonché a sportivi come il ciclista inglese Mark Cavendish, gli ex calciatori e allenatori scozzesi Graeme Souness e Ally McCoist, o la calciatrice inglese Karen Carney. Insignito pure l’ex premier laburista Gordon Brown.

“,”postId”:”4c3853bc-68e5-48bb-9c89-6ec0c4a0d1cb”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T10:42:00.272Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T12:42:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”La festa ufficiale del re”,”content”:”

La festa ufficiale del compleanno pubblico dei sovrani britannici si svolge a giugno per consuetudine sin dalla fine del 1700, anche se le date di nascita sono diverse (Carlo compirà 76 anni a novembre).

“,”postId”:”f7508748-b081-49a8-b432-ebe91b33440b”},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T10:31:00.832Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T12:31:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Re Carlo ha passato in rassegna i reparti”,”content”:”

Alle 11 precise, re Carlo III è giunto nel quadrante dove sono schierati in suo onore gli immancabili reparti della Royal Guard, con le giubbe rosse e gli alti colbacchi di pelo d’orso, per passarli in rassegna a piedi sulle note dell’inno nazionale God Save the King.

“,”postId”:”ca1ecc21-0f72-49f4-b37a-3cf0ad02ed88″},{“timestamp”:”2024-06-15T10:22:00.682Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-06-15T12:22:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Le carrozze coi reali”,”content”:”

Carlo e Camilla sono in una carrozza coperta. Dietro c’è una seconda carrozza con Kate, seduta al fianco del piccolo e gesticolante Louis, con gli altri figli George e Charlotte di fronte, tutti sorridenti, mentre il principe William è a cavallo. Alle loro spalle, gli altri reali senior, con il duca di Edimburgo, Edoardo, ultimogenito della defunta regina Elisabetta e del principe Filippo, e poi la principessa Anna, seconda sorella di Carlo. Il corteo solenne è affiancato, come da consuetudine, da militari a cavallo in uniformi tradizionali, fra squilli di trombe e salve augurali di cannone di rito, mentre le bandiere con l’Union Jack e i vari stendardi reali garriscono al vento.

“,”postId”:”11adb4aa-90f4-45e0-a0b9-09c41bbcea61″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”:”LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”,”liveblogId”:”57911740-73e5-4ec7-891c-27656ed22ea7″,”tenant”:”tg24″,”page”:1, “limit”:20}’ iswebview=false >

Kate Middleton is back in public after more than six months of absence from the scene: the Princess of Wales, who at 42 is facing cancer, took part in the key events of Trooping the Colour, the celebrations of the official (non-chronological) birthday of the king Charles III in London. William’s wife took part in the traditional parade, sitting in the carriage behind the sovereign with her three children. She then appeared from the balcony of Buckingham Palace with her family to greet the crowd. Elegant as usual, she appeared slimmer and smiling, although sometimes thoughtful. The princess herself announced her presence on Friday, with a message published on official social media. She explained that she is making “good progress” in her treatment of the disease and that she feels ready to return to public for some events, but that she is not out of the woods yet and that she will have good days and not so good days.


  • Kate Middleton shares new photo: “I’m better”
  • The video in which the princess announced that she had cancer

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5 minutes ago

This liveblog ends here

6 minutes ago

The passage of the Red Arrows

To close the celebrations of Trooping the Colour, the traditional passage over London and over the royal palace of the Red Arrows (Red Arrows) of the RAF aerobatic team, followed by the red, white and blue trail of the colors of the Union Jack.

30 minutes ago

Kate with William and their children on the balcony


42 minutes ago

The royal family greeting from the balcony


46 minutes ago

Who was on the balcony

The event saw the presence of all the “active” senior members of the House of Windsor: the King and Queen, the Princess of Wales Kate with her husband and heir to the throne Willam and their three children (George, Charlotte and the irrepressible Louis ), two brothers of the sovereign with their respective consorts (the Duke of Edinburgh Edward and Princess Royal Anne), as well as the Dukes of Gloucester and the Duke of Kent, cousins ​​of the late Elizabeth II. The absence of Charles and Diana’s second son, Prince Harry, is obvious and remained in the USA with his wife Meghan Markle and their two children, no longer having an active role as an official representative of the dynasty following his separation from the royal family in 2020 and the subsequent move to California.

The royal family on the balcony


52 minutes ago

The royals on the balcony of Buckingham Palace

On the balcony of Buckingham Palace, King Charles, who came out first with Camilla as per protocol, seemed smiling but also thoughtful, with Kate on his right and the Queen Consort on the left. From below there were shouts of good wishes from the subjects and the invocation “God save the king”. The sovereign conversed intensely with his daughter-in-law, alternating glances upwards and greetings to the people. The leaden sky that was opened just in time, after a last shower of water, to allow the low flight of several military and transport aircraft, culminating in the traditional passage over London and over the building of the Red Arrows (Red Arrows ) of the RAF aerobatic team, followed by the red, white and blue trail of the Union Jack colours. The greeting ceremony from the balcony ended with the national anthem, while before the royals’ exit the notes – evidently of hope – of a famous American song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, theme from the film The Wizard of Oz, were echoed. played just as someone spotted traces of a rainbow in the clouds.


Kate and her children before the parade. VIDEO


Trooping the Colour, Kate Middleton returns to public. VIDEO


The royal family waves from the balcony



Royal greeting from the balcony: Charles and Kate dominate the scene

There has just been the long-awaited and traditional greeting of the senior British royals from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, after returning from the Whitehall parade in the sometimes pouring rain: thus sealing the celebration of the official birthday of King Charles III. The sovereign, with Queen Camilla, held the center of the scene together with the Princess of Wales Kate, returning to public after more than six months marked by the common battle against cancer, with her husband William and her children George, Charlotte and Louis. Thousands of subjects cheered. The ritual passage of the RAF aerobatic team was affected by the weather.


All eyes on Kate

Kate, impeccable in her usual elegance, appeared to have lost weight. After arriving by car at Buckingham Palace, when she seemed a little thoughtful, she participated smiling in the parade aboard a carriage and in the company of her three children. Then she was seen smiling from a small balcony, attentive in following the developments of the departments always close to her three children: in particular little Louis, close to her all the time, and as always casually stealing the show between jokes and gesticulations.


Kate Middleton smiling at the parade

Trooping the colour



The choreography

The Trooping the Color parade took place according to a precise choreography, which has been going on since 1748. Around 1,400 soldiers and officers in full uniform took part in the event, to the sound of music or various marches performed by military bands as the regiments passed , such as that of the Scottish Guard, the Irish Guard or the Welsh Guard, under the different department colours. The sovereign, the absolute protagonist in uniform, witnessed it in the center of the quadrant, on a covered platform, with Queen Camilla next to him, amidst showers of rain and a few rare rays of sunshine. Behind him, on horseback, two of his brothers, the Duke of Edinburgh, Edward and Princess Royal Anne, as well as his eldest son and heir to the throne William, each acting as honorary commander of the different units.


Sunak among spectators at the Trooping the Color parade

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak attended the Trooping the Color parade in honor of King Charles with first lady Akshata Murty, which concluded in these minutes in the large square of Horse Guard Parade, in the citadel of Whitehall, in the heart of London, near St James Park. Sunak was seen sitting in the visitors’ box with other guests and was filmed taking photos with his mobile phone. The conservative prime minister – in the midst of an electoral campaign which sees Sir Keir Starmer’s Labor opposition favored – returned just in time from the Italian G7 summit in Puglia, while later today he is expected in Switzerland to participate in the summit led Western for “peace in Ukraine”.


William, Edward and Anne on horseback

Also taking part in the parade, on horseback and not in a carriage, were Prince William, the Duke of Edinburgh, Edward and Princess Anne.

Trooping the colour



Shots from Trooping the Color 2024

Trooping the colour



The decorations

On the occasion of the celebration, a series of decorations are announced (the so-called Birthday Honours) which this year go among others – with honors up to knighthood which gives the right to the title of sir or dame – to public figures such as Alan Bates (protagonist of the report of a sensational scandal at the British Post Office), the actress Imelda Staunton, the stylist Anya Hindmarch or the artist Tracey Emin. As well as athletes such as the English cyclist Mark Cavendish, the former Scottish footballers and coaches Graeme Souness and Ally McCoist, or the English footballer Karen Carney. Former Labor Prime Minister Gordon Brown was also awarded.


The king’s official holiday

The official public birthday celebration of British sovereigns has taken place in June by custom since the late 1700s, although the birth dates are different (Charles will turn 76 in November).


King Charles reviewed the departments

At 11 am precisely, King Charles III arrived in the quadrant where the inevitable units of the Royal Guard are lined up in his honor, with their red jackets and tall bearskin hats, to review them on foot to the tune of the national anthem God Save the King.


The carriages with the royals

Carlo and Camilla are in a covered carriage. Behind is a second carriage with Kate, sitting next to the small, gesticulating Louis, with her other children George and Charlotte in front of her, all smiling, while Prince William is on horseback. Behind them, the other senior royals, with the Duke of Edinburgh, Edward, last-born of the late Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, and then Princess Anne, Charles’ second sister. The solemn procession is flanked, as usual, by soldiers on horseback in traditional uniforms, amidst blasts of trumpets and ritual cannon salutes, while the flags with the Union Jack and the various royal standards flutter in the wind.

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