Milan, fire in a garage: three dead and three injured

A very serious one fire broke out in via Fra Galgario, in Milan, causing three dead and three injured. The firefighters explained that the victims were inside an apartment on the third floor of the building. The flames broke out on the ground floor of the structure, where amechanical workshop. For reasons yet to be clarified, the flames started right from the garage and then spread to the upper floors of the condominium very quickly, leaving no escape routes.

The victims are said to be two women and a man but operations are still underway identification of the victims. The one who has currently been made known to be one of the victims is of Italian nationality. The firefighters rushed to the scene with a team from the via Sardegna detachment, later joined by other teams sent in support from the via Messina operations center and tried to make the entire structure safe. Operations began immediately evacuation but for the three people trapped in the apartment on the third floor there was nothing that could be done.

A fourth person was saved thanks to the rescuers, of the other two injured, one would be the owner or an employee of the workshop.

The operation is still ongoing and the rescue workers are finishing checking whether there are other people trapped inside the building. At the moment, however, the balance seems to be definitive: all the people who were in the building have been evacuated and checks do not reveal there were any other people involved.

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