FVG Bike Trail debuts, discovering Friuli Venezia Giulia – Nordest24

FVG Bike Trail debuts, discovering Friuli Venezia Giulia – Nordest24
FVG Bike Trail debuts, discovering Friuli Venezia Giulia – Nordest24

UDINE, 13 June 2024 – On 19 September 2024 the first edition of the FVG Bike Traila manifestation of bikepacking non-competitive designed for cycling and adventure enthusiasts. The event is organized by It Takes Two srl, with the support of PromoturismoFVG and the patronage of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Partners include PM2, Consorzio del Prosciutto di San Daniele, X-Zone Bike and BCC CrediFriuli.

Discovery of the wonders of Friuli Venezia Giulia

The FVG Bike Trail was created with the aim of guiding participants through an intimate and profound exploration of the beauties of Friuli Venezia Giulia, combining the love of cycling with the spirit of adventure and the pleasure of travel.

Two paths to tell the story of FVG

Participants will be able to choose between two circular routes, different in length and difficulty: one of 490 km with 5,200 meters of positive difference in altitude (D+) and a shorter one of 190 km with 2,000 D+. Both routes have been designed to offer an authentic experience of the Friulian territory, passing through secondary and forest roads. From the hills of San Daniele to the coast of Lignano, passing through Venzone, Gemona, the Torre and Natisone valleys, the Colli Orientali, Cividale, Palmanova and Marano Lagunare, every stretch of the route is a continuous discovery.

No race: you ride at your own pace

The FVG Bike Trail is an event not competitive a single stage, where each participant can independently decide their own pace, when to start and where to stop. The scheduled departure dates range from 19 to 21 September 2024, which can be selected during registration. The track of the chosen route will be provided in .gpx format shortly before departure. Villa Manin in Passariano di Codroipo will be the starting and finishing point for both routes.

Unsupported event philosophy

“We chose the unsupported format because it is well suited to Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region full of routes and connections, but at times unknown even to its inhabitants,” explains Giacomo Miranda, creator of the event. “We wanted anyone who participated to be able to do so in a free but also conscious way. The philosophy of an unsupported event is precisely this: you pedal at your own pace and in freedom, but you are also called to enter into a real connection with the territory, to get to know it and to independently organize stops and overnight stays”.

The event shirt signed by Gianni Borta

To represent the link between FVG Bike Trail and the territory, the official jersey of the first edition was designed by the master Gianni Borta, a famous Friulian painter. Using Sportful’s Supergiara Jersey model, Borta has created a work of art that combines art and cycling in a mosaic of colors. The shirt will be an iconic symbol for all participants.

Registration open while places last

To register for the FVG Bike Trail 2024 and obtain more information, the dedicated portal www.fvgbiketrail.com is available. Registration is open while places are filled.

Who is It Takes Two srl

It Takes Two srl is a benefit company based in Udine, which operates in the events field. The company’s mission is to ensure that business is consistent with its vocation, integrating the aim of having a positive impact on society and the environment. Their goal is to create sustainable value for people, communities and the environment.

A unique experience for all bikepacking lovers

The FVG Bike Trail represents a unique opportunity to discover Friuli Venezia Giulia in a sustainable and authentic way. Participants will be able to enjoy the natural and cultural beauty of the region, pedaling at their own pace and experiencing an unforgettable adventure. This event is not only a physical challenge, but also an internal journey to discover new horizons and oneself.

Routes immersed in nature and history

Friuli Venezia Giulia offers a variety of breathtaking landscapes, from mountains to hills, from rivers to lagoons. Participating in the FVG Bike Trail means immersing yourself in this richness, pedaling through small historic villages, green valleys and fascinating country roads. Each stage of the route is designed to offer a unique and unforgettable experience, with suggestive views and panoramas that will leave you breathless.

Support and assistance along the way

Although the event is unsupported, the organization will provide logistical support and assistance along the way to ensure the safety and well-being of participants. Refreshment points and equipped rest areas will be available, where cyclists can rest and refresh themselves. Furthermore, it will be possible to count on a mechanical assistance service if necessary.

An inclusive event open to all

The FVG Bike Trail is designed to be an inclusive event, open to cyclists of all levels and experience. Whether you are a bikepacking expert or a simple cycling enthusiast, you will find the FVG Bike Trail the perfect opportunity to test yourself and live a unique experience. The important thing is not the speed or the final result, but the journey and the emotions it brings with it.

A journey to the heart of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Participating in the FVG Bike Trail also means discovering the authentic heart of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region rich in history, culture and traditions. Each stage of the route is an opportunity to come into contact with local communities, taste the typical products and get to know the traditions and customs of this extraordinary land up close.

Nature as protagonist

One of the most fascinating aspects of the FVG Bike Trail is the close connection with nature. Cycling through the woods, along the rivers and through the Friulian countryside allows you to rediscover the pleasure of slowness and contemplation, far from the chaos and frenzy of everyday life. Direct contact with nature offers a feeling of freedom and well-being that enriches the soul and body.

An eco-sustainable event

The FVG Bike Trail is also an event that promotes sustainability and respect for the environment. The organization has adopted measures to minimize the ecological impact of the event, encouraging participants to behave responsibly and respectfully of the ecosystem. The objective is to leave the least possible impact on the territory, while contributing to its enhancement and protection.


The debut of the FVG Bike Trail represents a new and exciting opportunity to discover Friuli Venezia Giulia on two wheels. This event of bikepacking non-competitive offers a unique experience, which combines the love of cycling with the discovery of breathtaking landscapes and direct contact with nature and local traditions. Registration is already open and places are limited, so all that remains is to prepare for this unforgettable adventure.

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