who won between Alfredino, the European Athletics Championships and Io Canto Family

who won between Alfredino, the European Athletics Championships and Io Canto Family
who won between Alfredino, the European Athletics Championships and Io Canto Family

TV ratings, Auditel data from last night

June 13, 2024


TV ratings for Wednesday 12 June 2024: who won in terms of audit data between Rai1 with Alfredino – Una storia italiana, Canale5 with Io Canto Family and Rai2 with the European Athletics Championships.

Last night, Wednesday 12 June 2024, the television schedule offered viewers in-depth, entertainment and information programmes. The second and final episode of was broadcast on Rai1 Alfredino – An Italian story, the miniseries that narrates the tragedy of Alfredo Rampi, the child who died after falling into an artesian well. Canale5 broadcast the final of I Canto Family. Rai2 once again dedicated its prime time to sport with kids European Athletics Championships. Here’s who won in terms of TV ratings.

The challenge between Rai 1 with Alfredino – Una storia italiana and Canale5 with Io Canto Family

The miniseries with Anna Foglietta, Francesco Acquaroli and Vinicio Marchioni on the story of Alfredo Rampi aired on Rai 1 recorded last night 1,529,000 spectators equal to 9.1% share. Canale5 with the final of I Canto Familya show won by Carlotta and Erika, mother and daughter, was entertaining 2,409,000 spectators with a share of 17.9%. Rai2 again broadcast the European Athletics Championships which are taking place in Rome, at the Olympic Stadium: it recorded 3,526,000 spectators equal to 19.2% of shares and wins againlike yesterday, the evening in terms of TV ratings.

The TV ratings of the other generalist networks, the Auditel data from last night

On Rai3 Who has seen? recorded 1,389,000 spectators equal to 8.7% share. Horizon Line – Thrill at high altitude on Italia1 it was followed by 10,000 viewers with a 3.5% share. Out of the core on Rete4 it entertained 661,000 viewers (4.9% share). Beijing Express – The way to the Indiesrepeated on TV8, reached 230,000 viewers with a 1.4% share. Agreements & disagreements on NINE it scored 392,000 spectators with a 2.3% share. Traveling with Barbero – The Matteotti Case on La7 it reached 1,142,000 spectators and a 6.5% share.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this