NASA dedicates an asteroid to Annalisa

NASA dedicates an asteroid to Annalisa
NASA dedicates an asteroid to Annalisa

From star to celestial body, NASA dedicates an asteroid to Annalisa

NASA dedicates an asteroid to Annalisa. We already knew that Annalisa was a star on the rise, but we never thought that her name would be pronounced, in some way, by NASA. We never would have thought that she could become in any way a real celestial body. In addition to the numerous platinum records, to crown his rise, also the dedication in question. Since June 3, a celestial body in space bears his name.

NASA dedicates an asteroid to Annalisa

NASA dedicates an asteroid to Annalisa, why?

“She has a degree in physics and has made a name for herself in the music industry.” These are the reasons asserted by NASA that pushed it to dedicate a celestial body to the singer. The asteroid is named 20014 Annalisa and was discovered in ’91 by the astronaut Henry E. Holt. In the tab: “Annalisa Scarrone (born 1985) is an Italian singer and songwriter. Graduated in Physics, she has established herself in the music industry, achieving considerable international success with her songs that have won awards and numerous platinum records”.

Annalisa model student

On the NASA website it is possible to follow its trajectory and position. Annalisa has always been a model student who began her musical career after graduation. After obtaining your scientific diploma you decided to enroll at the University of Physics in Turin. She graduated in 2009. On Corriere della Sera we read that the singer began studying physics simply because she liked it. She began studying music as a child and chose to pursue both paths.

From a degree in physics to a musical career

Although her dream had been to be a singer he never even thought for a moment of stopping studying and indeed he declared that if he went back he would do it again: he would get his degree again both for a cultural question and for life training. Also on the pages of the Corriere we read his statements: “To the superior I stood out, but then I realized that there were people with brains that were no joke. I worked incredibly hard, it was really hard, but in the end the feeling was this: now I can do anything.” “After I graduated, I told my parents: now give me a year and I’ll just do what I want, we’ll see how it ends.” She signed up for Amici and in 2010 she came in second, after Virginio. From there she hasn’t stopped and she is taking revenge for that second place without the slightest doubt.

The scientific popularization television program

We also remember that from 2015 to 2019 the singer, also thanks to her university career, hosted a scientific dissemination program that aired on Italia 1: “It’s all the fault of..:”

By Enzo Asunisocial media manager of the L’Unione Sarda Group, in the column Social Trends.

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