The bar burned 3 weeks ago reopens: “Thank you for your precious solidarity”

The bar burned 3 weeks ago reopens: “Thank you for your precious solidarity”
The bar burned 3 weeks ago reopens: “Thank you for your precious solidarity”

The morning after the “bad incident”, in their place reduced to a pile of rubble blackened by smoke, they spoke clearly: “We will reopen as soon as possible”. The day has arrived, and many citizens, at the counter or at the tables lined up in the sun, wanted to be part of the reopening of the Diamond Cafè in Piazza De Gasperi, devastated by an arson attack on the night of May 21st. Behind the counter are the owners Davide Mattina and Fabio Moretti with their staff and their usual smile. Little time to talk: coffee and quick breakfasts, receipts, a few words with customers. The bar refurbished in less than three weeks of non-stop work. “A lot of effort, but we are here – said Davide – happy to resume our work”. Not a word about the hand that, that night, spread alcohol everywhere and then set it on fire.

“In recent weeks we have had continuous, truly moving demonstrations of solidarity. The citizens have been close to us. Thanks again to everyone.” The announcement of the reopening flew on social media the other day. “Nothing will stop the sun from rising again, not even the darkest night. Thanks to those who have passed through all these 21 very long and tiring days for a word of comfort. That moment has finally arrived and the Diamond Café reopens. We are waiting for you, we are waiting for you you are missed.” An avalanche of comments: “Well done!”, “You are great”, “Come on guys”. And again: “For all the love I want for these kids, and for what they have been through, I invite you from tomorrow to stop by them even just for a coffee. Tomorrow I will have breakfast there. Let’s give concrete support, let’s create a peaceful future to these wonderful kids.”

Meanwhile, the investigations into the arson continue in silence. Among the initial hypotheses is that of retaliation or revenge from a competitor, or a problematic customer. No threat, the two young owners have always repeated. The matrix of organized crime was unofficially excluded. The disturbing episode was also discussed a few evenings ago in the city council. Mayor Scaccabarozzi: “Solidarity with those who suffered this act. But let’s not add too much: it could damage the investigations.”

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