Paolo Fox horoscope June 12th and almanac of the day

Paolo Fox’s predictions sign by sign contained in the horoscope for June 12th and the almanac of the day, including proverbs and those born today.

Aries Horoscope: You are determined and focused on work, you want to run quickly towards success and this summer sky will certainly favor you; expect a sudden call and, finally, a nice reward for all the sacrifices you have made to get to this point. Some disputes remain open regarding issues arising in past years, get good advice! In love, couples in crisis must be cautious and not force their hand until the 17th, while singles are a little too wary because they are now entering the “rethinking phase”.

Taurus Horoscope: With these stars you could do anything, especially act with great decision and solve some work-related problems! The more conservative and habitual among you were taken aback by some of the changes, but after the chaos, tranquility will return (not before June 17th). Love is also reawakening with new interests and interesting opportunities for singles, already Sunday 16th will be indicative in this sense: don’t lock yourself in the house and hang out with as many people as possible!

Gemini Horoscope: The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the sign will bring many new things especially at work, with all these planets in favor it will be impossible not to experience positive changes! A wish is finally about to come true or, at least, there is more desire to get involved by taking advantage of that creativity that has often taken you far. Even love is more exciting, not even those who have had some arguments or who will soon have to face important conversations need to fear anything. Possible definitive in or out, but here too they will prove to be a liberation!

Cancer Horoscope: It is a period of tension, discussions and nervousness, especially at home, and this is not good: if something has darkened your mood recently, try not to fuel controversies and resist at least until June 17th. It’s about finding a minimum amount of tranquility, even if unfortunately when you are in this state you say things that you regret immediately afterwards (when perhaps, however, it is too late). Postpone “particular” meetings and avoid both direct and “in or out” clashes.

Leo Horoscope: Now important calls can arrive, the ones you’ve been waiting for for a while and which would change your life a lot! Interesting period for those who have a challenge in mind and want to win it, which is why you will have to keep your phone charged and turned on. Someone could also, more simply, receive pleasant news that will brighten their day and (why not?) the whole week. Excellent ideas to develop, valid meetings and travel also favored thanks to a splendid Venus; It also benefits love which, this very month, becomes the protagonist of your lives again!

Virgo Horoscope: The Moon in your sign pushes you towards a better moment, that of redemption after a difficult start to June; you are regaining the reins of your life, having more certainty about work and the awareness of an imminent positive change (perhaps an attractive proposal). Sometimes accepting a transfer can be difficult but try to put skepticism aside, even if a lot actually depends on age… The loves that arise in this period, meanwhile, are more long-lasting: particular confidences in sight with Cancer and Capricorn.

Libra Horoscope: You too, like many signs of the Zodiac, are experiencing transformations, changes and revolutions this June; it’s all positive though because Jupiter in excellent aspect favors you at work and protects your finances! It is true that to complete a project you would need more money, at which point you will have to sell something to raise the money you need. Many are wondering if the love they are experiencing is the right one, whereas those who have recently ended a relationship (but after so much anxiety) are finally finding a balance in their life!

Scorpio Horoscope: You are entering a decisive, important, powerful phase! The month of June will bring satisfaction, although perhaps some may have to wait until the last day to rejoice… By autumn, good news for those who have their own business! Those who have been ill are making a great recovery, also thanks to a diet that is giving great results. Love calls and you will have to answer, by the end of the month you will experience very passionate moments as long as you don’t face everything as a challenge!

Sagittarius Horoscope: You are still very upset about what happened recently, especially at the beginning of the month something happened that destabilized you! Someone is carrying out an onerous and demanding project and when the organization is not perfect there is a risk of getting into difficulty. The tension is making itself felt, especially in relationships with those around you, resist at least until the end of the month because from that moment on it will be possible to pursue new ideals. Opposite Venus says that love is far away, that you are looking for new spaces or that even though you love a person you currently have other priorities!

Capricorn Horoscope: Your determination always wins, right now you just have to ask to do the things that interest you most! From the 17th onwards you will be a little tired, after all you have just returned from a polemical and agitated period but do not fear because your efforts will be rewarded very soon with good success! Be careful in relationships that have been in crisis for some time, patience will be needed here too because the last week of June will bring clarifications in relationships and will make you feel better.

Aquarius Horoscope: Venus in an active position gives you a great start, a winning horoscope for mood and creativity! The desire to get involved returns, to invent something new and to bring this innovation not only into your lives but also into those of others. After a dark period you are entitled to something more, you are definitely in credit with the stars and the weekend will bring something more. In love, if you haven’t found anyone for a long time, you might be tempted to get close even to people who are very different from you but don’t do it!

Pisces Horoscope: Yet another subpar day, to get some confirmation you will have to wait until next week and still have a little patience! Lately you’ve been feeling critical, argumentative and a little crude, all of this makes you particularly tired and makes you arrive exhausted at the end of the day. Don’t put this tension on love, it’s true that this is not an easy period but it will be necessary to have more self-control. Those who have a feeling will have the opportunity to strengthen and renew it after the 17th, while those who are single should not be discouraged because things can change from one day to the next!

Almanac of June 12th

Saint of the day: Santa Desiderata

Proverb: If it rains in Santa Desiderata the grapes fall and the grate remains

Born today

  • David John ‘Dave’ Franco – American actor. He has starred in several films in various roles including Follow Your Heart in 2010 with Zac Efron and Amanda Crew. In the Scrubs series Medici Ai Primi Ferri played Cole Aaronson (June 12, 1985)
  • Angela Baraldi – Italian singer and actress (12 June 1964)
  • Francesco Renga – Italian singer-songwriter (12 June 1968)
  • Gabriele Cirilli – Italian actor and comedian (12 June 1967)
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