Fratelli d’Italia wins but Decaro is the most voted


With the election of the candidate Picaro, Tommaso Scatigna will take over the Regional Council… The immediate comments…

Also to Locorotondoin line with the national trend, was a head to head between the Brothers of Italy and the Democratic Party.

With a turnout of 44.39%, with 5,480 voters, it is necessary to highlight the spread of abstentionism. Five years ago, 50.52% of eligible voters (6217 voters) voted. Not to mention that, last night, the figure at 7pm was stuck at 30% with an increase of 14 points recorded in the last hours before the polls closed.

But let’s go back to the head-to-head between the Brothers of Italy and the Democratic Party. The team led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, also a candidate, obtained 1,928 votes equal to 36.72%. It follows closely Democratic Party with 1,777 votes equal to 33.84%. Among the Dems there is the impressive consensus for Antonio Decarooutgoing mayor of Bari, which obtained 1,566 preferencespulling his party and winning the challenge with Prime Minister Meloni stopped at 1,113 votes.

The council opposition group leader Marianna Cardone and Antonio Decaro

Comparison with the politics of 25 September 2022. Fratelli d’Italia confirms itself as the leading force in Locorotondo, recording a very slight drop of 12 votes but completely physiological and not worrying considering the turnout data. In the elections a year and a half ago, 7,206 local voters voted.

The other parties. Forza Italia it is the third political force in the country with 454 votes (8.65%) with the candidate Laura De Mola the most supported for her party (174 preferences).

Also in Locorotondo the 5 Star Movement records a defeat without appeals, obtaining 341 votes equal to 6.49%. The candidate who recorded the most preferences was the woman from Ostuni Valentina Palmisano (54 votes), next European parliamentarian. The M5S obtained 1,280 votes in the 2022 elections.

In fifth place is the League. In this two-day election he registered 192 votes (3.66%). The most voted on the list was the future European parliamentarian Roberto Vannacci (93 votes). Five years ago the League was the most voted party in Locorotondo, but those are long gone times.

Green Left Alliance gets 192 votes (3.66%). The most supported on the list was Mimmo Lucano, former mayor of Riace, also elected. In Locorotondo he obtained 47 votes.

The team Freedom comes in seventh place with 116 votes (2.21%). The candidate Piera Aiello recorded 79 preferences.

Not well United States of Europewith the 2% (105 votes). There are 39 votes for Matteo Renzi.

Peace Earth Dignity got the1.26% with 66 votes. For the journalist Michele Santoro there are 25 preferences.

Bad Action – We are Europeans which does not reach 1%, stopping at 0.93% (49 votes). The most voted candidates on the list: Carlo Calenda And Carmela Craca who respectively obtained 12 preferences.

On the centre-right front, in particular for Fratelli d’Italia, an all-Locorotonda derby was played. The former mayor Tommaso Scatigna supported the candidate Michele Picaro, while the deputy mayor Vito Speciale supported the regional group leader Francesco Ventola. In Locorotondo the challenge was won by Picaro who obtained 660 votes, compared to Ventola’s 265 preferences who however, after Prime Minister Meloni and Gambino Alberico, in the Southern constituency and the third candidate more supported. He will be elected European parliamentarian, together with Michele Picaro himself (fifth in the list) since the seats assigned to Fratelli d’Italia are 24. L’election of the latterwill lead to his resignation as regional councilor who will be replaced by Tommaso Scatigna.

Tommaso Scatigna, next regional councilor, with the future European parliamentarian Michele Picaro; photo released by the former Mayor

This is the comment from a few minutes ago Tommaso Scatigna: “The time has finally come to project my country (which I thank for the recognition) towards the importance and consideration it deserves. I hope to be worthy of representing hundreds of militants and dreamers of an authentic right. I like to imagine – writes the future regional councilor – that I can forget the many wrongs I have suffered. Now I think I can calmly say that from today I am a REGIONAL COUNCILOR! I extend my congratulations to the newly elected MEP Michele PICARO! And I embrace and thank my friend and tireless regional coordinator of FDI, the Undersecretary of Health Marcello GEMMATO! From today a new era begins. Thank you all!”.

Below are the immediate reactions of local political leaders who wanted to give us a statement.

Fabio Lotito for the M5S: «The electoral result gives us an unequivocal fact: the the first party in Italy is that of non-voting! Even in our community despite the “fight” on the right between Vito’s candidates Sspecial and Tommaso Scatigna, we recorded the non-vote of the majority of those entitled to vote.

“Politics” – continues the councilor. Lotito – he is happy about this, the traditional parties, those structured and rooted in the territory, live their moment of glory with abstention from voting thanks to the electoral apparatus consolidated over the years, the camel troops are the only ones to achieve the result, the 5 Movement stars in this political condition cannot help but note a result that perhaps retains only the “smell” of democratic and popular. As per the widely announced forecast, we see Scatigna as the next regional councilor replacing Michele Picaro elected in Strasbourg».

For Forza Italia Donato Pinto, citizen delegate and council majority leader: «With regards to the electoral results of the European elections relating only to the Locorotondo seats, as coordination of the Forza Italia party, we can only consider ourselves fully satisfied! The excellent 49% as a sum of the center-right parties – declares the councilor. Pinto – proves on the part of the Locoroton residents, full trust in the current Meloni government, and evidently also in the Bufano Administration. The 8.65% for Forza Italia and the confirmation as the city’s third party is further gratification of the work done to date, for which I thank all the militants.
I offer my personal congratulations to candidate Laura De Mola for the excellent result in terms of preferencesin Locorotondo and beyond, and I wish good work to all those elected from Forza Italia in the southern constituency, in particular to Fulvio Martusciello (among the most supported in Locorotondo after Tajani and De Mola).
Good work also to the newly elected Regional Council Tommaso Scatigna. May Europe represent a new hope for the future of our territories, and for all of Southern Italy!”.

For the Democratic Party Annalisa Guida, deputy coordinator and opposition municipal councilor: “The PD is the first party in Puglia with 33.57%. First political force in over 180 cities out of 257 including Taranto, Brindisi, Andria, Barletta, Trani, Bari, with almost 500 thousand votes for our Antonio Decaro and sixth and seventh place for Georgia and Shady.

Locorotondo – declares the council. Guida – the only municipality in the province of Bari where the Democratic Party did not come first. We are aware of living in a country strongly rooted on the right, but today’s data tell us that if there is a valid, reliable alternative on the left, capable of talking to people, the gap is reduced to a handful of votes”.

«In general I am very satisfied with the general results of the party, and with Decaro, who obtained an avalanche of personal approval». This was declared by the city coordinator of the Democratic Party, Miriam Martiniwho continues: «It was a difficult campaign, in which the issues of European politics and the future were discussed very little, while national topics occupied the scene».

To view all the data click here (source Eligendo)

Antonello Pentassuglia

[Nell’immagine in evidenza il manifesto elettorale di Fratelli d’Italia per Giorgia Meloni e Francesco Ventola; la foto che ritrae la cons. comunale Annalisa Guida con Antonio Decaro]

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