Lactose-free. The Pastry of the Future in Luca Montersino’s Book

Lactose-free. The Pastry of the Future in Luca Montersino’s Book
Lactose-free. The Pastry of the Future in Luca Montersino’s Book

Con over 100 recipesLactose-free”, published by Italian Gourmet, is a complete and exhaustive volume that immerses us in the fascinating world of alternatives.

The pastry shop of the “without”

There is a traditional pastry shop and a pastry shop of the “without”: together they can give rise to a pastry shop of the future, designed for those who cannot or do not want to eat certain foods.

Intolerances are a multifaceted universe, but full of opportunities, in which the maestro Luca Montersino, pioneer of a sweet art that intertwines with health, has always moved with ease. Thanks to the study and research developed over the years, Montersino thus replicates the success of “Senza Zucchero” with a new volume, published by Italian Gourmet, and dedicated to intolerances: “Senza lactose”.

Over 100 lactose-free dessert recipes

Over 100 recipes divided into two macro-sections – Dairy Free & Lactose Free – that range from traditional desserts revisited and corrected “lactos free” to new and delicious interpretations. The starting point is the rational and scientific one that has always distinguished Montersino’s work: here there is everything that the modern pastry chef needs to learn an inclusive art where the “without” represents a market opportunity aimed at those who want, for health or by choice, lactose-free or dairy-free preparations.

The medical contribution

A world intertwined with a broad vision of sweetness, supported by the contribution of a nutritionist, the Dr. Monica Artoniwho in this book took care of the introductory part explaining the methodologies of implementing the Montersino creation process and describing the needs and pragmatic application of recipes that put health and goodness on the same level.

An overview of national and international pastry making

There is an overview of all the national (and not) pastry in these 288 pages: we find the colomba, strictly lactose-free, which in all respects is equivalent to the “classic” one, there are creamy cakes, where imagination and gluttony move lactos free, there are jars, leavened products, cakes, zuppa inglese in different formats – from the glass to the cake – up to the great classics of tradition such as Paris-Brest, Krumiri, babà or Sicilian cannoli. There is really nothing left to chance by the master Montersino, who for more than 25 years has followed a path of research that combines technique and ingredients to arrive at a result that is delicious and, why not, healthy.

Buy Luca Montersino’s new book

Complete with basic recipes, with easy and accessible language, Luca Montersino in these pages manages to fill the word “without” with goodness.

“Senza lactose” is a book to consult, browse, study, to replicate or simply to be inspired, and create a new pastry shop, or rather, a pastry shop of the future. With taste, of course.


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