the tattoos, the jacket given to Giulia De Lellis and the influencer’s tantrum

The strange meeting between Francesco Moser and the rapper Tony Effe

The video shows the moment of the meeting between the two and the following introductions. Moser, perfect in his dark suit that recalled that of the groom, headed towards the singer of «Sesso e Samba» who, at that moment, was only wearing a vest, leaving his myriad of tattoos in full view.

The cycling champion and the curiosity for the rapper’s tattoos

“But how long did it take them to get all these tattoos on you?” “the sheriff” (that was his nickname when he competed) asks Tony, reaching out to shake the singer’s hand.

The jacket “borrowed” during the Moser-Rodriguez wedding

Tony Effe, evidently taken by surprise, holds out his hand and mumbles something incomprehensible, then justifies himself for having remained in what can only be described as shirt sleeves, given that he was wearing a waistcoat over his bare chest: «I lent the jacket to the young lady who was cold” pointing to a girl who was wearing his jacket on top of a very light and very transparent pink dress.

The gossip between the singer and Giulia De Lellis

The girl in question is Giulia De Lellis, well-known influencer, at the centre of gossip these days precisely for having been «caught» by paparazzi with Tony in Naples at Geolier’s concert and therefore credited as his new flame.

At the reception, the influencer’s jealous scene

The presence of both at the wedding and the rapper’s gallant gesture further fuels the rumours that there is something tender between them, even if there are those who would like them to be already in crisis given that De Lellis allegedly made a scene of jealousy towards Tonyintent on chatting too engagingly with another guest at the party. Jealousy that has reached its peak when the rapper duetted with Belen to the tune of his very famous summer hit.

The groom’s irony: “A very high moment”

Returning to the video that the same Ignatius shared ironically commenting on the meeting between his father and the very tattooed Tony: «Sorry but… it’s a very high moment» to then reach peaks worthy of the most unthinkable metaverse when Francesco Moser started talking about the grape harvest with the rapper who could only listen in silence, amidst the amused expressions of those who witnessed the scene.

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