“Shoot the hostages” The order of the leaders of Hamas to stop Israel

“Shoot the hostages” The order of the leaders of Hamas to stop Israel
“Shoot the hostages” The order of the leaders of Hamas to stop Israel

The success of the Israeli raid which led to the release of four hostages could push terrorists to take drastic measures. According to what was reported by New York Timeswhich cited Israeli officials, the Hamas leader allegedly gave “imperative orders” to the men who control the hostages of “shoot prisoners” if they think that the IDF is coming to the place where they are being held.

This is a decision which could have two reasons: to avoid seeing the only “bargaining chip” taken away for reaching an agreement cease-fire and weaken the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, accused for months by the families of the kidnapped of having abandoned their loved ones in Gaza and of not having done everything possible to bring them home. An increase in internal pressure on the prime minister, in fact, it could force Tel Aviv to soften its positions in negotiations and facilitate a favorable agreement for terrorists.

In addition to this revelation, news also came from the United States that the Biden administration is thinking of concluding a separate agreement with Hamas for the release of five American hostages kidnapped on October 7, Edan Alexander, Sagui Dekel-Chen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Omer Neutra and Keith Siegel. Second NBC News, which cited two Washington officials, said the White House would discuss this possibility if the next round of talks fails. It is not clear what the United States could offer in exchange, but according to sources, terrorists could be incentivized to accept this solution because it would lead to an increase in both voltage between Washington and Tel Aviv, and the pressure on Netanyahu. These hypothetical separate negotiations would not involve Israel and would have to be conducted through mediators Qatar.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of State Antony Blinken he returned to the Middle East to push for a ceasefire agreement. On Monday 10 June he landed in Egypt to meet President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and will subsequently travel to Israel. According to a senior White House official, however, the blitz on Saturday 8th made the chances of an agreement even slimmer, as well as strengthening the determination of Netanyahu in continuing with military operations in the Strip.

Added to all this is the resignation of Benny Gantz, now a former member of the war cabinet who left the executive due to the lack of a post-war plan.

His decision did not endanger the stability of the government, given that the prime minister still maintains the majority in the Knesset, but it will force Netanyahu to count on the support of theextreme right religious, against agreements with Hamas and in favor of a large-scale operation in Lebanon.

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