Last night Tarquini party, today Massari in the square Final race towards the vote “Let’s change the music in Reggio” VIDEO AND PHOTOS

7/6/2024 – “The occasion is historic, it’s time to change music in Reggio. It’s time for alternation, without alternation there is no true democracy. And if they have governed for 78 years, now it’s our turn: we will be able to do good things to give citizens peace of mind and to launch Reggio towards the future”. With these words, in an atmosphere of enthusiasm, covered by the ovations of hundreds of supporters and young people, last night Giovanni Tarquini, civic and centre-right mayoral candidate, concluded the political speeches and kicked off the party with Paolo Noise And Pippo Palmieridarlings of Radio 105 Zoo who spoke out of love for Reggio and for a candidate from the Tarquini list (wife, precisely of Noise), which lit up a beautiful square.

Piazza San Prospero dances with Noise and Palmieri

Before the music and all-out gags, on stage together with Tarquini the Reggio Emilia deputy FdI went up Gianluca VinciForza Italia’s candidate for the European elections Antonio Cenini (the only Reggio citizen running for Strasbrugo), leaders and candidates of the League, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia Roberto Salati, Gianluca Nicolini And Alexander Aragon in a talk hosted by Letizia Davolthe.

And before them on stage, the Undersecretary of the Interior Wanda Ferro, who did not hold back when talking about immigration, rules to be respected, true integration for those who arrive in Italy with hope, security, an increase in the number of police forces (reduced to the bare bones by the block on turnover), and also the robust injection of millions that the Meloni government has guaranteed to the municipality of Reggio with the projects financed by national tenders. But above all, a common commitment, despite different roles, between central government and local realities. “For this – he concluded – the Nation can write a great new page right here in Reggio Emilia“.

Previously, the government representative (she was secretary of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission) had gone to Secchi squareto get in touch with the reality of the station area, and before the talk in the center in front of the Reggio Basilica, he had dinner with candidates and supporters at the Riff of Piazza San Prospero.

This afternoon, the Piazza dei Leoni was the prerogative of the centre-left mayoral candidate Marco Massari and the lists that support him, for the closing demonstration of the local elections campaign. Guest of honor is the mayor of Bologna Matteo Lepore with the slogan “Here we build progressive Emilia“.

Again this evening aperitif closing of the candidate’s electoral campaign Paola Soragni (Movement for Reggio), the outgoing municipal councilor of the 5 Stars, at the Sonik in via Compagnoni.

There is no traditional electoral silence because for the first time in history we will also vote on Saturday from 3pm (but not on Monday). The race to intercept and convince the undecided continues until the last minute.


Giovanni Tarquini in Piazza San Prospero

In a letter released today, the lawyer Tarquini appeals to electors and voters to go and vote on Saturday and Sunday “bringing the strength of renewal with them into the voting booth”.

“The turning point towards a path of rebirth and recovery of that Reggio Emilia which has always given proof of well-being and industriousness can no longer be postponed in time – writes the civic and centre-right mayoral candidate”.

The turning point towards a path of rebirth and recovery of that Reggio Emilia which has always demonstrated well-being and industriousness “can no longer be postponed in time”.

“For too long local political choices have been dictated by the logic of belonging and have produced effects spoiled by ideological contrasts that no longer have any meaningor, if not to plaster new proposals and relegate them to secondary levels, thus debasing any impetus and perspective”.

Tarquini adds: “Today there is a need for skills, experience and a great spirit of sacrifice. These are the ingredients that my Civic List and the coalition of centre-right parties want to put back into play to look to the future with confidence and to leave to the next generations a city that is based on its own traditions, on the values ​​that have historically brought us so far and that proves open to discussion, acceptance, freedom, but only in full compliance with the rulestherefore inside the sacred perimeter of legality“.

“The municipal administration of Reggio Emilia, in synergy with all local, institutional, associative, working, scholastic, sporting and religious entities, will have to become a bastion of freedom and legalitythus placing an insurmountable barrier to the drifts of indifference and the divisive logic of belonging”.

The strongest invitation is now that of ago and vote, to enter that voting booth bringing with you the strength of renewal, in the awareness that that act represents the highest form of democracy and concrete and effective participation in the construction of our society, present and future. Good mark!”.

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