Summer center vouchers: 2 million euros from the Liguria Region

Liguria. The Liguria Region allocates 2 million euros to facilitate the participation of children and young people aged 3 to 14 in summer camps and in non-formal, informal and recreational educational activities carried out during the summer period and aimed at the well-being of minors.

In detail, through the “Voucher Summer Centers 2024” measure, Ligurian families will be able to request a contribution (voucher) based on the proven use of the activities in the period between 10 June and 13 September.

The amount varies based on the ISEE income: families with an income less than or equal to 15 thousand euros can request a contribution of up to 90 euros per week for each minor child, while those with an ISEE between 15 thousand and 30 thousand euros can request a contribution of up to 70 euros per week for each minor child. The voucher is weekly (five days) and can be reset on a daily basis. It is possible to request a voucher for each week of attendance, up to a maximum of six weeks.

“The measure pursues the same objectives of supporting the participation of minors in summer camp activities as previous experiences – explains the regional councilor for Child Protection. – We want to act to combat child educational poverty, promoting access to a socio-educational facility that guarantees opportunities for sociality and inclusion for many young Ligurians. Furthermore, it is increasingly necessary to provide an answer to the needs of reconciling family life and work, with attention to those in particular conditions of income disadvantage”.

“All initiatives aimed at supporting families are of fundamental importance – explains the education councilor -. Through the resources of the European Social Fund we are supporting thousands with measures aimed both at the growth of young people and at easing the daily commitment of parents. The ‘Summer Center Vouchers’, which we are financing with 2 million euros this year too, are one of these. Those who choose to take advantage of non-formal, informal and recreational educational activities for their children, aged 3 to 14, will be able to count on the economic contribution of the Liguria Region. In the field of training and work-life balance we are carrying out a careful, scrupulous program appreciated at a European level which constantly meets the needs of Ligurians of all ages”.

“With this measure – states the regional councilor for social policies – we respond to the real needs of our community. The objective is to make a contribution to parents who want to send their children to summer camps after the end of the school period, thus contributing to their economic needs and giving concrete support, also to guarantee freedom of educational choice. This is a further measure to support families, who in their thousands have already been able to take advantage of both free nursery schools thanks to regional vouchers and free or 50% discounted rail transport for children under 19 and under 26 respectively on their journey home to school. or university or training institute”.

The procedure involves the granting and simultaneous disbursement of the recognized amounts: the families, when they request the voucher, will have to report the weeks attended and for which they incurred the expense. The notice will be published on the Filse website from 15 June and it will be possible to apply online from 16 September to 15 November, once the service has been used. The ranking will be published starting from November 16th and users will be informed about it in the reserved area of ​​Calls online. The applications will be financed by scrolling the ranking based on the ISEE of the families and, with equal income, based on the chronological order of arrival of the applications, until the funds are exhausted.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this