45th Napoleonica, the usual Torrico wins. Sumptuous Mariarosa Vultaggio

45th Napoleonica, the usual Torrico wins. Sumptuous Mariarosa Vultaggio
45th Napoleonica, the usual Torrico wins. Sumptuous Mariarosa Vultaggio

A protagonist already admired several times, and a first time difficult to forget. The 45th Napoleonica, 5th Test of the Trofeo Trieste 2024, organized by the Asd CRAL Trieste Trasporti in memory of Giorgio Braico, took place on Sunday 2 June.

On the selective 7.2km, with start and finish set up near the Marian Temple of Monte Grisa, the usual Daniele Torrico (ASD Trieste Atletica Aps) and the Sicilian Mariarosa Vultaggio prevailed, giving the Fincantieri Wärtsilä Company Club its first success of his history in the overall individual ranking, male or female, of a Trophy Event. Men’s Race – Among the 300 participants at the start, Torrico was the favorite on the eve and did not disappoint expectations, becoming the protagonist of a solo without the right of reply.

Behind the 32-year-old, who finished his effort after 24:31, the battle for the remaining podium positions was intense: in the end, Fabio Galassi (Atletica Imola Sacmi Avis, 26:01) came in second he preceded a convincing Luca Bertocchi (Trieste Atletica, 26:12).

In 4th and 5th position were Luca Felipe Ricci (Gs San Giacomo, 26:22) and Omar Giorgio Makhloufi (Trieste Atletica, 26:35). Women’s Race –

In the women’s field we witnessed the “sumptuous” performance of Mariarosa Vultaggio (CA Fincantieri Wärtsilä), who welcomed the company of her most dangerous opponents from the first metres. Vultaggio, who crossed the finish line with a time of 31:31, placed behind Francesca Patat (Libertas Udine, 32:13) and Roberta Greco (Asd Free Runners Trieste, 33:12). The latter did well to keep Alessandra Gratton (Gruppo Marciatori Teenager, 33:20) and the Asd Free Runners Trieste trio made up of Laura Lizier (5th, 33:40), Lara Milano (6th, 33) at a safe distance :43) and Claudia Cherubini (7ᵅ, 33:58).

Team ranking and next test – In the team ranking, Asd Free Runners Trieste excelled, with 37 appearances, ahead of CA Fincantieri Wartsila and Asd Gs San Giacomo, capable of collecting 34 points. The Trofeo Trieste 2024, managed by the S.Po.RT (Società Podicchie Riunite Trieste), will now take a well-deserved period of rest, and will return on Saturday 7 September with the 26th Trofeo Val Rosandra/Memorial G.Pastori (proposing a 3000m on track)

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this