Trento, gas network failure | Gazzetta delle Valli

Trento, gas network failure | Gazzetta delle Valli
Trento, gas network failure | Gazzetta delle Valli
Trento – It will take a few days to restore the net of the gas damaged following a break in the aqueduct in the area of Climb Manci. There are approximately 1500 users affected by the fault in the perimeter between via Torre Verde, via Bernardo Clesio, piazza Venezia, via Venezia (up to the bend of the Korallo restaurant), via Galilei, via Carducci, via Simonino, piazza Battisti and Vicolo del Vo. The entire via Grazioli area is added to this area.

Following the breakdown, a meeting was called at the operations center of the fire brigade in Piazza Centa: among others, the Municipality of Trento was present with the mayor and thecouncilor to the Public Works, there Civil protection And Novareti. The fault did not cause any gas leaks or any risk to the population.

For purely precautionary reasons, Novareti asks citizens residing in the area affected by the fault to close the gas taps inside their homes until further notice. However, no problems were detected regarding the water supply. Constant updates will be given on the phases of the progressive restoration of the network. For timely information, consult the website or call 800 289423.

The objective is to restore the gas network in the central Trento area affected by the fault within a couple of days. The technicians will proceed with the progressive restoration of the network starting from the area of ​​via Venezia and going down from via Grazioli to the historic center. The fault does not affect the activities of the San Camillo hospital and the Villa Bianca nursing home, as well as the Tambosi and Canossiane educational institutions and the Carabinieri barracks, which use another supply system.

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