Universal civil service, first day at Asp Palermo for 268 young people

Universal civil service, first day at Asp Palermo for 268 young people
Universal civil service, first day at Asp Palermo for 268 young people

PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – Their task will be to welcome and assist anyone who needs it, their mission to convince citizens that public health can be efficient and adequate to the increasingly pressing needs of digitalization. From today and for the next twelve months, 268 young people will work in hospitals and outpatient clinics of the Palermo ASP as part of the Universal Civil Service: they were chosen from over 900 candidates as part of the project “Informazioni in circolo”, promoted by the ASP itself in collaboration with Aress Fabiola.
Welcoming them at the Politeama Theater were the regional health councilor Giovanna Volo, the general director of the Asp Palermo Daniela Faraoni with the health director Francesco Cerrito, the general director of the department for strategic planning in the Region Salvatore Iacolino and the general director of Dasoe Salvatore Requirez.
The kids will work five days a week for a total of 25 hours: the compensation will be 507.30 euros and thanks to this activity, once finished, they will have the reserve of 15% of the places in public competitions and the recognition of the university internship in the specific area of ​​intervention. 142 will be employed in the city’s structures, the other 126 in the province: 78 will work in the five hospitals of the ASP, namely Ingrassia in Palermo, Civico di Partinico, Madonna dell’Alto in Petralia Sottana, dei Bianchi in Corleone and Cimino in Termini Imerese, while the others will be engaged in local assistance centers and clinics, in the Psychology service, in the Mental Health department and in health education activities.
The aim of the “Information in circulation” project is to improve knowledge and access to social, welfare and health services in the area and to facilitate access to the weaker sections of the population, especially the elderly and disabled. In addition to all this, the young people will be asked to assist the operators of the Unified Booking Center, prepare simple and easy-to-understand information material, select the forms to give to users and identify the most requested information.
“We are facing a wave of youth, this gives us hope – Faraoni underlines – For the kids it is the first moment of active participation in the life of the country: the Asp of Palermo takes care of the health of over 1.2 million inhabitants and is strongly rooted in the territory, the kids will represent an important reference and their presence here (at the Teatro Politeama, ed.) testifies to the commitment they are preparing to put in. The goal is to improve access to social and health services and with the help of the young people we will meet the needs not only of the vulnerable, but also of those who do not have the adequate cultural tools to access these services”.
For Volo, “the more young people contribute to a population that needs the services provided by healthcare, the more citizens find in this activity a reason of great importance: public healthcare belongs to everyone and we must maintain it, there are innovations that make it complex such as the use of information technology and young people can give the elderly important help in making them access this tool”.
Among the tools that project Sicilian healthcare into the future, adds the councilor, there is the electronic health record, which “will allow the citizen to go to the health facilities and retrieve all the information on his health status from the file, simply by giving your name.”
In dwelling on the importance of the project, Cerrito highlights how “there is often a lack of connection between the structure that provides the services and the citizens who must receive them: this gap makes the relationship between the parties harsh, it is up to the young people to implement this connection”.
Iacolino addresses the 268 new recruits of provincial healthcare directly: “Your digital knowledge will be an extraordinary resource to allow the ASP to rejuvenate: the department collects these initiatives with enthusiasm and interest, we will check if it will be possible to implement them in other realities in coherence with the regional health system”.
For Requirez “kids are a very important tool to make citizens understand that healthcare is valuable: often people don’t have a thorough understanding of the work that is done in healthcare companies, while when a case of medical malpractice occurs it takes a long time.”

– foto xd8/Italpress –

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