the new bridge reopens in mid-June after the flood

The two new bridges of Serra Sant’Abbondio and Serra de’ Conti will be ready by mid-June, which will allow the areas affected by the September 2022 flood to return to normality.

In Serra Sant’Abbondio (PU), with the launching of the beams in mid-May, the new pre-stressed reinforced concrete vehicle bridge is now a reality. There are very few days left for the slab, ramps and delivery of the construction site which will be followed shortly by that of Serra de’ Conti.

The bridge over the Cinisco, a tributary of the Cesano, it is the first of the eleven bridges that the Marche Region, through the sub-commissioner for floods, Eng. Stefano Babini has entrusted the Marche Reclamation Consortium with a tight timetable that aims to restore traffic for residents forced, since September 15, to extend the road traveled daily by many kilometers to reach essential services.

Commissioner Babini defines the design and construction of the bridges as well as Serra Sant’Abbondio and Serra de’ Conti in Senigallia, Frontone, and Camerino: «the first signs of a response to the territory, even to internal and more distant areas. There are 12 bridges entrusted to the Reclamation Consortium as implementing body, including the restoration of the Vallone Bridge immediately upstream of Senigallia. The spans will be eliminated, they will be single-span bridges, to allow the water to flow in the best way, also compatible with the widening of the river that has been made. From the timetable, which has always been respected so far, we expect that by the end of the year all the bridges will be practicable».

They always look in the direction of returning to normality even all the maintenance work done in extreme urgency on approximately 66 kilometers of hydrographic network in the province of Ancona and almost 38 in the province of Pesaro/Urbino. We are talking about over 30 interventions with reprofiling and reshaping operations of the ordinary flow section, removal of obstructions and fallen and compromised trees carried out in the municipalities of Pergola, Serra dei Conti, Arcevia, Frontone, Serra Sant’Abbondio, S. Lorenzo in Campo , Senigallia, Sassoferrato, Montecarotto Poggio San Marcello, Castelplanio, Barbara, Cantiano and Castelleone di Suasa.

«In agreement with the engineer. Babini and his structure have aimed not only to resolve the problems connected to the flood but also to work with a view to preventing hydrogeological instability in areas that have revealed very strong fragilities due to the coexistence, in the territory, of different courses of waterfall» reports in this regard Michele Maiani, President of the Reclamation Consortium which goes on to underline another very important action carried out by the Consortium: given the damage suffered by farmers and in agreement with the Region and the trade associations, both for the year 2023 and 2024, we have exempted you from paying the bill of reclamation 465 consortium members included in the list of injured parties provided by the Region. Added to these were those affected by the flood of May 2023. In Cantiano alone, for example, there are 21 consortium members who were relieved from paying the reclamation contribution, both last year and this year”.

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