European elections, Giorgia Meloni closes the electoral campaign in Piazza del Popolo

European elections, Giorgia Meloni closes the electoral campaign in Piazza del Popolo
European elections, Giorgia Meloni closes the electoral campaign in Piazza del Popolo

The Brothers of Italy demonstration in Piazza del Popolo closes the electoral campaign for the European elections. The event will end with a speech from the stage by the prime minister and leader of Fdi, Giorgia Meloni. Also present was the president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa. “Today is Giorgia’s day,” La Russa said. “Here I am not the president of the Senate but I am Ignazio La Russa”, added the second state official.

Militants and sympathizers arrived from all over Italy and began to fill the square chosen for the event, waving tricolor flags and party banners. “With Giorgia, Italy changes Europe”, the slogan of Meloni’s electoral campaign, stands out on the large blue stage set up under the Pincio steps.

The Fdi demonstration opened with the speech on the stage of the Fratelli d’Italia mayoral candidates for the local elections (from Ascoli Piceno to Tivoli), which will be held at the same time as the EU vote.

Stands have been set up at the edges of the square where volunteers distribute leaflets, flags and white hats with the words “Italian Pride”. Among the Fdi representatives who arrived in Piazza del Popolo were Arianna Meloni, sister of the prime minister and party membership manager, the undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro and the group leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti, as well as obviously the head of the Fdi organization Giovanni Donzelli. “We are Giorgia” is the writing that appears on one of the many banners carried in the square by Fdi aficionados.

“President De Luca, I’m that ****** from Meloni”. From the speakers in Piazza del Popolo, the audio of the now famous polemical greeting between the prime minister and the governor of Campania in Caivano is broadcast. And the audience of Fratelli d’Italia supporters immediately warms up. Among the songs chosen to introduce the event ‘The sky is always bluer’ by Rino Gaetano, a song often used in demonstrations by Giorgia Meloni’s party.

A procession of militants from Gioventù Nazionale – the Fdi youth movement – reached Piazza del Popolo from the Pincio terrace, with flags, banners and smoke bombs. “The Europe of homelands, the redemption of youth”, reads the banner carried in the square by the militants.

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