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Without a ticket, he punches the ticket inspectors: arrested by the police

Without a ticket, he punches the ticket inspectors: arrested by the police
Without a ticket, he punches the ticket inspectors: arrested by the police

Last Monday 20 May, a 19-year-old young man originally from Tunisia was on a bus on line 11 together with another person when, in via Porta Catena, at around 12 noon, some controllers from the transport company boarded the vehicle for verify passengers’ travel documents.

Upon seeing the controllers, one of the two young people manages to get off the bus and walk away while the 19-year-old, without a ticket, remains stuck on the vehicle. The young man’s reaction takes the controllers by surprise: in fact he pounces on two of them and attacks them with his fists, railing against them. The call was immediately made to the emergency number 112 and, after a few minutes, a patrol from the Radiomobile Section of the Ferrara Company arrived on site. At the sight of the soldiers, the 19-year-old calms down, but he is immediately put in handcuffs for resisting a public official. The controllers, visited at the Cona emergency room, were found to be suffering from wounds judged to heal in 5 and 10 days.

At the end of the operations, the young man was held in the security rooms of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Ferrara until May 21st, when, at the Court of Ferrara, the arrest was validated and the 19-year-old was released in waiting for the trial to be held.

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