Merate celebrating the 180th anniversary of the Fire Brigade: “For us you are a certainty”


The Fire Brigade parade accompanied by the Triuggio marching band was applauded and engaging

Big party today in the city for the 180th anniversary of the foundation of the Merate Fire Brigade


MERATE – The parade from Villa Subaglio, the first historic headquarters of the firemen in 1844 to Piazza Prinetti accompanied by the vibrant and intense notes of the Triuggio marching band and its majorettes. And then the speeches of the authorities and the awards ceremonies, with a gigantic tricolor unrolled from the basket of the ladder truck, positioned near the Tower to the ground before leaving room, as the grand finale of the day, for a nice risotto in the square.

The entire city of Merate dressed up for the holidays today, Saturday, to celebrate the 180th birthday of the Merate Fire Brigade. Born from an intuition of the Marquis Rescalliwho wanted to bring the example of the French Sapeurs – Pompiers to the city, the Merate Fire Brigade today constitutes a detachment made up exclusively of volunteers.

Forty-three men and women serving, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, inside the barracks, set up since 2004 in via degli Alpini, after the years spent in the legendary location near the small church of San Bartolomeo and before that in the town square and at the entrance to via Pope John XXIII, where Venuto Casati’s workshop was, without mentioning the beginnings at Villa Subaglio.

Stages in the history of the Merate firefighters which were reconstructed in the widespread museum set up for the whole day today, when the volunteers of the city detachment gave everyone, young and old, the opportunity not only to visit the current barracks, but also to get to know, thanks to and period photos, how the activity of the Fire Brigade has changed over the years, going hand in hand with the changing society. Also unmissable is the Firemen’s route set up in the courtyard next to the Manzoni middle school, where the musical band is based.

To never change, as has been reiterated on several occasions during the speeches of the authorities, it is the spirit, courageous and tenacious, of those who decide to wear the uniform with the helmet. This was underlined by the commander of the Lecco Fire Brigade Antonio Durante who, praising the voluntary commitment of the Merate firefighters, spoke of “consistency, presence and dedication. You are an important and fundamental point of reference for the safety and rescue of the area. An example for all of us” he pointed out, also recalling the figure of Alberto Dozioto whom the barracks is dedicated, a firefighter from Merate who died in heroic circumstances in 1943.

The new mayor Mattia Salvioni, in his first public appearance wearing the tricolor sash, emphasized the “strategic and fundamental presence for the territory”, also spending a few words in English to thank the delegations that arrived in Merate from France, Holland, Finland and Switzerland. Also present was the president of the Province of Lecco Alessandra Hofmann: “Happy birthday. For us you are a certainty. You are volunteers capable of always putting yourself on the line, putting your personal interest aside.”

Roberto Airoldi and Pier Castelli

The head of the detachment, the engineer, also took to the stage Andrea Beretta who wanted to extend heartfelt thanks to “our families, who allow us to carry out this work”. There is therefore room for the delivery of some certificates of recognition to those who, such as the General Command of Lecco, the Municipality of Merate or the Province, have always shown themselves close to the Merate Fire Brigade. To deliver the scrolls, together with Pier Castellifor years the unforgotten head of the detachment, the Commendatore Gino Gronchi delegate of the World Federation of Volunteer Fire Brigade Associations.

Andrea Beretta, Pier Castelli and Leonardo Bonanomi

The Fire Brigade also wanted to pay homage to delegations of colleagues from other parts of Italy and Europe and also to those who have distinguished themselves in recent years. A thank you was therefore paid to Angelo Colombocustodian for over 20 years together with his wife of the San Bartolomeo barracks and others Leonardo Bonanomidetachment leader for years before leaving the leadership to Beretta.

The celebrations then concluded with the great risotto in the square.


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