Certamen Philelfianum. Student of Maurolico in Messina wins

Certamen Philelfianum. Student of Maurolico in Messina wins
Certamen Philelfianum. Student of Maurolico in Messina wins

Third place for another student from the same high school

Energy, commitment and authentic passion confirm the success and value of the “Certamen Philelfianum”a translation competition of Latin humanistic texts intended for Italian high schools, resulting from a project shared between the University of Macerata, the Filelfo Classical High School and the Filelfiani Association, also sponsored this year by the Giacomo Leopardi School of Higher Studies.

The seventh edition ended on May 15th at the Politeama Theater in Tolentino, with the award ceremony for the ten winners. Leonardo Visalli, from the Maurolico high school in Messina, wins, second is Lorenzo Placentile from D’Annunzio in Pescara, third is Michele Lupo, also from Maurolico.

Following, in order: Pierluigi D’Ambrosio of the Volta High School of Foggia, Leonardo Eliseo Cruciani of the Filelfo High School of Tolentino, Giulia Galleani and Alessandra Salieri of the Galilei High School of Caravaggio, Beatrice Gattari of Filelfo, Elisa Valsecchi also of Caravaggio and Nicola Scorcella of Filelfo di Tolentino.

On the topic “Humanism, books, the library”, prompted by the assigned tracks of Guarino Veronese, Elio Lampridio Cerva and Joachim Von Watt, Antonella Cucciniello, director of the library and of the monumental complex of the Girolamini of Naples, discussed the ancient and recent events of this extraordinary cultural ecosystem built in benefit of a poor neighborhood, according to the inspiring motifs of Saint Philip Neri, remembering how books are able to fertilize civilization; Filippo Mignini, emeritus of the University of Macerata, who spoke about Alberico Gentili and his ‘enlightened’ legal thought, resulting from the intersection of countless readings.

“The Certamen Philelfianum it is much more than an initiative – comments Silvia Fiaschi, scientific director of the project -: it is a community experience, which links the territory to the whole world, research to school and civil commitment. It is a sort of liturgy, which is never repeated but always renewed, revealing new and vital relationship systems each time, generated by the meetings and work of the students, their teachers, who rediscover the values ​​around the figure of Filelfo. more authentic than Humanism”.

And in honor of the book, a humanistic example par excellence, all the winners received a copy of “Adealaida” with autograph dedication by Adrian Bravi, finalist for the Strega award. “The hope is that each of these specimens can become, with those who now own them, an integral part of a special library”.

Leading the event, in front of a large audience, were UniMC students Sofia Mazziero and Edoardo Costantini, former Filelfian and competitor in the first edition of the Of courseaccompanied by musical performances by Noemi Angeletti, Massimiliano Bartolomei, Tommaso Foresi.

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