“My daughter is dead, at least give me justice”

“You can’t give me my daughter back, but at least give me justice.” The poignant appeal to the judges by Anna Mideja, mother of Sara Grimaldi, ends with these words, on the eve of the first hearing of the trial against the now 31-year-old motorist who allegedly caused the death, at just 19 years old, of her daughter and others two boys, Elisa Buonsante and Michele Traetta, aged 25 and 21. The dramatic accident, which cost the lives of the three very young friends, occurred on 11 December 2022 on State Road 96, in the municipal area of ​​Modugno. The preliminary hearing of the trial, however, is scheduled for Monday 20 May in court in Bari.

Two months ago, the Public Prosecutor in charge of the criminal case requested that the 31-year-old be sent to trial for the crime of road homicide, with the aggravating circumstances of having caused the death of several people and having committed it with serious violations of traffic regulations road traffic: specifically speeding, more than double that allowed, as well as for the crime of very serious personal injury on the road, with the same aggravating circumstance, having also caused the injury of a fourth young person.

On the eve of the trial, therefore, through Studio3A – a company that is following the legal matter on behalf of the family – Sara’s mother writes a touching, thought-provoking letter-warning which is presented in the full version. “December 11, 2022 is the date on which the life of my daughter Sara, just 19 years old, was cut short – writes mother Anna – of Michele Traetta, 21 years old, and of their friend Elisa, 25 years old. All three had entrusted themselves to their friend, a 29-year-old man about to become a father, the only one with a driving license, to visit the Christmas markets in Conversano: he, instead, killed them with his wicked driving, violating the traffic code. road for speeding (the speedometer was stuck at 130 km/h at the time of impact) on a stretch of road where the limit is 50 km/h”.

“Sara – she continues -, since she was a child, took care of her brothers because she loved them and adored all children, so much so that she often came to the nursery school where I work. She used to cuddle the little ones and she helped me prepare the displays for plays or for class. She was a sweet, understanding, helpful and determined girl. She had received the pink slip for her driving license, but she did not drive a car unless in my presence or the driving instructor. She was studying to become a local police officer. As soon as she turned 18 she wanted to have her first summer work experience in Calabria. She took part, with me, in all the trade union demonstrations in the square to defend the rights of workers and all citizens, for peace… As altruist as she was. She, however, will never become a mother, never a local police officer.”

“All her plans to become a future, good woman integrated into society have been dashed. With her, we too died, parents and brothers. Our lives have been completely turned upside down, overturned by events. We continue to survive this immense tragedy because, thanks also to the psychological journey, we have decided to set ourselves objectives: for us parents the objective is to give Justice to Sara and continue to support our children who no longer have an important point of reference; for the brothers the objective is to assert themselves in life, because they want Sara to be proud of them by achieving, in small steps, everything that she will no longer be able to do”.

“The psychological journey was fundamental because, immediately after the tragedy, we felt like strangers at home. Everyone was locked in their own pain, they suffered in silence, they avoided talking to other family members to protect the other. How many medals the brothers put on Sara’s photo! Nonsense? Who can say. No one can understand the pain we carry inside and will carry with us forever. To the question “how are you?” we always answer “good”, because, if we started talking, we would “uncover a Pandora’s box” full of emotions”.

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“How could a parent who lost their daughter or a brother who lost a sister feel? Even simple things that everyone does on a daily basis and superficially, like going food shopping or going around clothing stores, generate a lump in my throat, a choking of tears, because in those moments she was always there, she was beside me. Now I am alone, as her brothers feel alone. No parent, instead of choosing a cell phone to give to their beloved daughter for Christmas, should find themselves choosing a grave for their daughter. No parent should go “to visit” her daughter at the cemetery instead of at her home to support her with household chores or children.”

“In recent months I have also thought a lot about that then 29-year-old man who was driving the car that damned evening and I have asked myself several times why you never contacted me, even through lawyers, to apologize or show me your regret for what happened. None of this, on the contrary, she continued his life peacefully, publishing his happiness on social media, disrespecting his dead friends and us family members. The only answer I found is that perhaps he doesn’t have a conscience and didn’t fully understand the gravity of his actions, the consequences of his imprudence. Yet, in the meantime, you too, a 29-year-old man with a child on the way, have become a parent. You should have understood what it means to love a daughter unconditionally and, therefore, be sensitive to our pain.”

“I have interacted with many parents who have lost a child in a road accident and, unanimously, the great disappointment emerged towards an Italian justice system which is inadequate in the face of tragedies which upset and overturn the lives of entire families forever, inflicting light punishments, insignificant compared to the damage caused. Indeed, “many parents who have lost a child in a road accident”. These massacres, unfortunately, will continue until the institutions understand the need to take firm and decisive positions, establishing severe and exemplary penalties! Why allow sentence reductions or plea deals? Why inflict further pain on those who have already lost their loved ones?”

“Here we are faced with a multiple road homicide. Three innocent victims, young lives cut short by the gullibility of those who had them in custody, who received no discounts, who had to pay fully and with their lives. No escape from a tragic fate that could very well have been avoided with more careful and responsible driving. For this we deserve justice. You cannot give me back my beloved daughter Sara, but at least guarantee me justice that inflicts a severe punishment, corresponding to the pain caused, which serves as a deterrent so that there are no other Saras, other Micheles, other young lives cut short in a bad way by inconsiderate drivers. Do it for many young people who could be saved.”

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