after the pastry shops here is the catering

Two boxes have been filled, not without effort. At this point, to complete the trio of municipal properties returned to the historic center through the reopening of a commercial activity, one last piece is still missing: the former Colonne bar. Raising the shutters of the building on Via Appia again, after those of Opera Dulcis (now ControCorrente) and the old Bacchilega bar, would mean increasing the beats of the city’s suffering heart.

“We are also working on that container – explains Pierangelo Raffini, councilor for the historic center in reference to the former Colonne bar –. We have met a couple of companies that seem interested. It is clearly a challenging path, we are talking about a space of over 500 meters Together with the mayor and Area Blu we are pursuing these contacts with determination. We would like to be able to give another concrete answer by finding a solution that offers something more from a catering point of view by extending the opening hours to more evening hours. give the opportunity to experience the center more and to have reasons to come and stay there perhaps after having been to the theatre”.

From this perspective, for the former Colonne we are working on a public tender on the model of the one launched for the former Bacchilega bar: rent relief in exchange for a large investment in the redevelopment of the property.

“We hope to be able to get the tender out by June – reports councilor Raffini –. We understand the difficulties of the market, it is not easy to find investors. Everything in that place is in its raw state. There is work to be done, presenting the project to the Superintendence. The square meters compared to the former Bacchilega are many more, but although we may be a little influenced by the nature of the structure there is greater possibility for expressing ourselves. back there, which has no noise restrictions as it is surrounded only by municipal and bank offices. That is a space that the city must reclaim.”

In the meantime, the relaunch plan for the local neighbors of the former Casa del fascio, which until recently belonged to the State, but of which the Municipality has recently come into possession, is progressing. As is now known, these are three real estate units, currently unused, which consist of two rooms in via XX Settembre, on the ground floor and first floor (numbers 2, 2/A, 4, 6, 8/A) , and on the other a space on the corner between via XX Settembre and piazza Gramsci (numbers 18, 18/A, 19, 19/A, 20). The premises in Via XX Settembre had as their last destination that of a shop, after a decade of use as professional offices-studios, while the premises in Piazza Gramsci are that of the former Tazza d’Oro, which after having been a bar had become a clothing store before closing. In the near future, no more commerce: they will be destined for cultural initiatives.

“We are planning the management of the procedure for the assignment of those spaces in the heart of the historic center – concludes Raffini –. And then there will be the presentation of the executive redevelopment projects and finally the works (445 thousand euros paid by the Municipality, ed.). I expect that by the end of the year we will be able to open those premises too.”

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