green light for the last six post-flood restoration projects

green light for the last six post-flood restoration projects
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Lugo (Ravenna), 29 March 2024 – Green light, by the municipal council of Lugoto the last six executive projects (which are the responsibility of the municipal administration) for the restoration of roads, squares and bridges damaged by the flood which last May plagued half of Romagna. The projects are contained in ordinance 13 of the commissioner structure which assigned the Municipality 21 million euros relating to 32 intervention projects.

At the last meeting the council approved the repair of bridge over the Tratturo drainage in via Chiese Catene in Bizzuno, la installation of two drainage ditches (in the hamlets of Santa Maria in Fabriago and Ca’ di Lugo, as well as, in this case in Lugo, the Primo Maggio, Trisi and Cavour squares, for a total of one million and 340 thousand euros.

These are projects that each have a value of less than 500 thousand euros for their implementation, the others of higher value will be the subject of a agreement with the Sogesid company which will soon be discussed and voted on in the City Council. And precisely to give priority and speed to interventions, the post-flood reconstruction rules provide for direct assignment for projects below 500 thousand euros.

The municipal administration already has entrusted with the works on via Compagnoni (between via Garibaldi and via Emaldi), piazza Garibaldi, via Castellazzo, via Gesuita Ponente and Stradoncello Bentivoglio. Likewise, the assignments relating to the restoration works on the bridges on the Casale Canal in via Chiese Catene and in via Cantarana, Stradone Bentivoglio, Via Canale Inferiore Sinistra and Viale Orsini are currently underway and nearing completion, as well as an intervention on the Canale dei Mulini.

As he explains Veronica Valmori, councilor for public works, “another six executive projects have been approved, and in the City Council on 4 April we will approve the framework agreement with Sogesid spa for interventions exceeding 500 thousand euros. There are dozens of interventions that talk about the reconstruction of roads and bridges and also about the hydraulic safety of the area with lamination tanks and drainage ditches.

The first works will start in the next few weeks and through constant dialogue with other bodies we hope to arrive at a solution to other problems in those areas which the flood has highlighted as being most vulnerable”.

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