Annalisa Gianfranceschi presents her book at the Centroluna bookshop

Annalisa Gianfranceschi presents her book at the Centroluna bookshop
Annalisa Gianfranceschi presents her book at the Centroluna bookshop

On Saturday 6 July from 6:30 pm at the “Giunti al Punto” bookshop in Centroluna in Sarzana, Annalisa Gianfranceschi will present her book “Il caso 07-LA-1664” published by Albatros Il Filo. The author, born in Viareggio in 1968, lives in Montignoso, where she has been a primary school teacher for several years. She has worked as a volunteer in various associations that deal with targeted programs for “special” children. Curious, sensitive and passionate about nature and its mechanisms, she is enrolled in the Faculty of Biological Sciences in Pisa.

“Alexienne was born prematurely along the banks of the Seine on a hot and bright July day in 1968. Her first moments of life were spent inside an incubator, suspended in a limbo that would mark her destiny and that of her family. Javier is then fifteen years old and like his parents he already has in mind what he will do when he grows up. He has long been passionate about artificial machines and his medical studies will lead him to pour his energies into the development of artificial wombs, capable of welcoming and carrying forward the evolving lives of fetuses with problems. However, life makes things more complicated and often painful and the two protagonists of this intense and dramatic novel will be called to make courageous and unconventional choices”.

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