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Smart glasses, a truly incredible new function arrives: everyone is crazy about it

Smart glasses, a truly incredible new function arrives: everyone is crazy about it
Smart glasses, a truly incredible new function arrives: everyone is crazy about it

An interesting new feature is coming to smart glasses – you won’t be able to help but use them now.

Nowadays, when we talk about electronic devices, the first thing that comes to mind is cell phones. We are talking about the most used tech products of the moment, and which no one can do without of course. When it comes to calling, texting or having fun, the smartphone plays a fundamental role. And we also find other interesting activities in computers or tablets, and even in some smart glasses.

Smart Glasses: Here’s What You Can Do Now

The AR glasses provided by Google are a more than clear example. They allow us to come into contact with virtual reality, providing us with a different perspective on life. And it is always interesting to use them for this reason. As if that were not enough, it was launched a function that will now also be available for these glasses. Read on to know which one we are talking about – it will definitely help you.

Smart glasses, you’ve always been waiting for this function: it’s very useful

The function in question is an improvement aimed at Google translator. Users have been waiting for something like this for a long time. But there had been no news about it, which is why we were anxiously awaiting news like this. It looks like Google Translate will receive a big update for languageswhich will be more and will leave practically no one aside.

Google Translate has also been updated for Google AR

But which languages ​​are we talking about exactly? Some examples that can be given areAfara tonal language spoken in Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia. Even the Cantonese is among the most requested languages ​​for Google Translate, and now it will be available to everyone. Then we also find the Manxil NKolo Shahmukh o l’Amazigh. A series of languages ​​all interesting to add, and that we will finally be able to know through AR glasses.

Google’s goal is to improve its systems day by day. To do so, however, it needs the help of people and above all time. It also revealed a big secret recently, that it would like to create a special AI. An artificial intelligence capable of speaking all the languages ​​of the worldwhich we currently know to be more than 1,000. It’s certainly a nice challenge, but not impossible for an artificial machine. We’ll see if it can do it sooner or later. For now, it’s worth enjoying the new update with AR glasses.

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