Concord Requires PlayStation Account on PC? Firewalk Studios Now Has Official Response

Concord Requires PlayStation Account on PC? Firewalk Studios Now Has Official Response
Concord Requires PlayStation Account on PC? Firewalk Studios Now Has Official Response

The question is now almost obvious but, in case there were still doubts, the official response has arrived from Firewalk Studios on the PlayStation account required to play on PC a Concordthe new title from Sony for PS5 and PC.

According to what was reported by the director of IP, Kim Kernesper Eurogamer, PC players will also have to use a PSN account to access the game, for some specific reasons mentioned by the developer, apparently.

Kreines explained the need by saying that “there allows for cross-playcross-platform progression, and that’s a big part of this experience.”

Firewalk Studios explanations

Certainly these functionality are facilitated by the presence of a shared account between the two platforms, but we also know how Sony is particularly keen to expand the users of its ecosystem also in the PC world and cross-platform live services represent an important element of this strategy.

“The goal is to gather players,” lead character designer Jon Weisnewski also reiterated.

“It’s a prerequisite that is necessary, on a technical level, to get PC players and PS5 players together,” Weisnewski reported. The PlayStation account is in fact a necessary prerequisite for the majority of Sony games on PC, and will probably become so permanently for the next live service releases.

Its introduction in Helldivers 2 sparked great controversy, especially because it occurred after the launch, so much so that it forced Sony to retrace its steps and eliminate the need to merge the PSN account with the Steam one, but this is probably destined to remain a isolated case.

One problem with this request, also according to what was reported by the most critical users about it, is the fact that cut out the players belonging to a significant number of countries where there is no official support for PSN and therefore where it is not possible to create a working PSN account.L

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