Android is working on improvements to its software support processes

Android is working on improvements to its software support processes
Android is working on improvements to its software support processes

Qualcomm is trying to simplify the software support for devices Androidan issue that represented a significant disadvantage compared to iPhone for many years. In this regard, recently Google e Samsung have started to achieve comparable, if not higher, standards, at least on paper. Concrete information on this project is still scarce, but it comes from an interview given by Chris PatrickSenior Vice President and General Manager of the Handsets division at Qualcommad Android Authority.

Patrick revealed that an official announcement is expected in the coming months. In the meantime, we know that Google, Qualcomm, other chip manufacturers and device manufacturers have worked for years to optimize, simplify and speed up the infrastructure related to maintenance and development of updates software e driver. It is clear that they exist progress in progress, but it is difficult to quantify their importance at the moment. However, the parties involved are preparing a significant announcement.

Android works to streamline its processes

One of the main obstacles in the update management on Android compared to iOS is the vast range of models and hardware combinations present in the Android world, in addition to the multiplicity of companies

involved in the process. Simply put, the main development of drivers is handled by chip manufacturers such as Qualcomm, MediaTek e Samsungin accordance with the specifications and guidelines provided by Google, which develops the operating system.

When the new ones driver they are ready, the chipmaker delivers them to device manufacturers. The latter must implement and adapt the drivers to theirs softwarewhich is then distributed to end users. This complex and fragmented process involves numerous delays and complications at the level of communication and logistics.

Typically, support for a device ends when the chip manufacturer stops developing new drivers for it. hardware platform. There are other factors to consider, however. Among them are the sustained costs from device manufacturers. This is especially problematic for cheaper devices, where i profit margins I am extremely reduced. In this way it becomes difficult to offer a prolonged support over time, regardless of the actions of chipmaker.

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