SOS median: Vranckx is the favorite. In the background three market leads

SOS median: Vranckx is the favorite. In the background three market leads
SOS median: Vranckx is the favorite. In the background three market leads

Fiorentina needs investment, especially in midfield. Vrancxk remains the first name, while various targets remain in the background

From next July 8th, in the absence of sudden accelerations on the market, Palladino will find himself managing a group in which – waiting for the national teams who have been busy in the last few days in the European Championship and Copa AmericaThere will be only sixteen survivors from the Athens final. The ‘all-out’ of the Viola makes an impression especially if we focus on an area, the midfield, in which to date the only point of continuity compared to the previous management will be Mandrake.

A department that due to the congestion of negotiations will also find Amrabat, in addition to Gino Infantino, appearance last season. And so, due to numerical and qualitative necessity, the new coach expects a sudden and targeted intervention, to have at least one more midfielder available by the first half of July: Vranckx is still the favourite, but to understand something more about the future of the footballer Wolfsburg will have to wait for Belgium to close the European Championship; among the Italian tracks, it will be a hot week to understand the feasibility of the operations Pobega, Brescianini and Thorstvedt.


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