ICS Beach Volley Tour Lazio, the Maccarese stage concluded

ICS Beach Volley Tour Lazio, the Maccarese stage concluded
ICS Beach Volley Tour Lazio, the Maccarese stage concluded

MACCARESE (ROME)-In the traditional location of the Acqua&Sale factory in Maccarese, which has always been frequented by Roman beachers, the second stage of the 20th edition of the ICS Beach Volley Tour Lazio organized by Fipav Lazio, with the patronage of the Lazio Region, in collaboration with Rome took place Beachtour which also saw great participation from outside the region.

In the women’s draw, the pair formed by Milena Stacchiotti (champion of the ICS Beach Tour Lazio in 2019, home athlete who trains with the Roma beachtour) and Alice Eaco won the first semi-final and won with a score of 2-0 ( 21-17; 21-13) Francesca Furlanetto/ Michela Sciscione. In the second Luna Cicola (third in Terracina in the debut stage with Courtney Schawan) and Jessica Jenifer Luca (twice Regional Champion) overcame, in a comeback, after a very balanced match 2-1 (18 -21, 21 -13, 15 -12) Michela Culiani/Elena Dodi.

The final for the lowest step of the podium, after a tough battle, saw Culiani/Dodi win by a hair’s breadth by 2-1 (21-14; 12-21; 15-13) over Furlanetto/Sciscione.

In the long-awaited final act, which saw the two strongest couples of the stage on the field, there was certainly no shortage of spectacle. Stacchiotti/Eaco ahead after the first set but Cicola/Luca didn’t give up, winning the second set, thus bringing the match to a tie break. Point by point until the final rush when Stacchiotti’s experience and Eaco’s fresh verve brought the match to their side and won the match 2-1 (21 -15; 19 -21;15 -12) and the second stage of the event.

Alice Eaco comments on today’s result. « It was a tight final that saw us win the first set with an important advantage. Our opponents didn’t give up, they fought strenuously in the second set and won it in a sprint. In the tie break we found our best plays and scored the decisive points when necessary ».

Milena Stacchiotti, awarded as MVP of the stage, based on her experience, makes no plans for the future.

« With Alice we like to play together and we approached the event with the desire to do well and have fun. I would say that today went more than well and we don’t want to stop ».

In the men’s draw, Michele Conrado Veiga Scalera/Diego De Stefano won the final, who clearly beat Nicolas Todaro/Tiziano Forgione 2-0 (21-13; 21-12) in the semi-final. Contending for the title was the pair formed by Alessandro My/Alessio Gallo who with the same score of 2-0 (21-14;21-13) beat Graziano Cerasoli/Paul Vasile Ferenciac.

In the final for third place Todaro/Forgione prevailed with a clear 2-0 (21 -13; 21 -19) over Cerasoli/Ferenciac.

The final, which was not lacking in cheering from the crowd gathered around the fields set up at Acqua&Sale in Maccarese, was clearly dominated by the Roman pair Veiga Scalera/De Stefano who extinguished the resistance of the Pescara opponents Gallo/My by winning with a clear 2-0 (21-13; 21-12). Diego De Stefano, protagonist of spectacular plays, was awarded as MVP of the men’s tournament.

Diego De Stefano at the end of the matches: « We are a very close couple, friends even off the pitch, who have known each other since the Under. We have been playing together again for a year and we aim to grow. This tournament is very important for us, we want to do well in the next stages too ».

« I would share our merits with our coach, Fabrizio Fabbri– these are the words of Michele Conrado Veiga Scalera – with whom we are working profitably. Our harmony grows and, at the same time, so does our performance. We are a very united team and this certainly contributes to us training at our best and achieving results like today’s ».


The winning athletes were awarded by the president of Fipav Lazio Andrea Burlandi and the General Director of Roma Beachtour Antonio Carlucci, as well as Alex Ranghieri, an Italian beach athlete who, together with Adrian Carambula, will be a protagonist in the next Olympic Games in Paris 2024.

« As always-underlined the president of Fipav Lazio Andrea Burlandi-the Lazio couples did not want to give up this event that takes place in a location dear to us and that has hosted our tournament for years. Despite the coincidence with the stage of the Italian championship, the technical level was high and the teams protagonists of the two finals put on a show. I will see you at the stage next weekend at Circeo which, as is known, will be dedicated to Francesco Massuccihistoric manager of the Institute for Sports Credit, always close to Fipav Lazio in the organization of the Beach Tour Lazio, as well as a great friend, who passed away prematurely ».

.The Maccarese stage of the ICS Beach Volley Tour Lazio was plastic free. Plastic bottles were banned, players, staff and referees used personal water bottles to quench their thirst and refill their water.




Eaco/Stacchiotti-Furlanetto/Sciscione 2-0 (21-17; 21-13)

Cicola/Luca-Culiani/Dodi 2-1 (18 -21; 21 -13; 15 -12)

3rd/4th place final –

Culiani/Dodi-Furlanetto/Sciscione 2-1 (21-14; 12-21; 15-13)

1st and 2nd place final –

Eaco/Stacchiotti- Cicola/Luca 2-1 (21 -15; 19 -21;15 -12)


Semifinals –

Veiga Scalera/De Stefano-Todaro/Forgione 2-0 (21-13; 21-12)

My/Gallo- Cerasoli/Ferenciac 2-0 (21-14;21-13)

3rd/4th place final

Todaro/Forgione- Cerasoli/Ferenciac 2-0 (21 -13; 21 -19)

1st/2nd place final

Veiga Scalera/De Stefano- My/Gallo 2-0 (21-13; 21-12)

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