«You earn over 20 thousand euros a month»

«You earn over 20 thousand euros a month»
«You earn over 20 thousand euros a month»

«In a month you can earn more than 20 thousand euros». The golf cart business is growing in Rome, as confirmed by the capital’s tour operators. «The demand is constantly growing and increasing more and more. That’s why we’re trying to get more, because we expect three isn’t enough. Already this season we are thinking of taking a few more.” Guido Gerace is the CEO of the Rome tour operator Ancient & Recent.

Golf car business in Rome, tours (up to 900 euros) tripled: earnings, costs, rules and “tricks”


The investment in eco-friendly vehicles began years ago. «We bought them during Covid, there was a call for tenders for electric vehicles to also support companies that had suffered the effects of the pandemic. With LazioInnova, with which we participated, we aimed to diversify the activities, including those we do at the Colosseum». Why focus on golf cars? «We told ourselves to diversify the offer with something eco-friendly. We created a type of tour that is not exactly the typical one (i.e. private, where families usually book) but there are also “open” times where everyone can queue up and fill up the golf cars and have a price within everyone’s reach and visit the city in three hours». How many people are in a car together? «Seven. So, with three cars, we can even get to 21». The use has a double advantage for xxxx. «They are much safer than a scooter and do not pollute». Autonomy? «More or less 4-5 hours. If you take them well, they can be managed. They can handle two 2.5/3 hour tours. And so cover 6 hours with two tours.”


Some tour operators, such as Ancient and Recent, offer a virtual reality experience (for an additional fee). And, in view of the Jubilee, something new is coming. «We will launch the first virtual reality dedicated to the Sistine Chapel. It will be revolutionary, especially for tourists. We also do a two-hour tour at the Circus Maximus where at the end there is a chariot race with a video game. Ten minutes of the race with Ben Hur-style incidents.”


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