De Laurentiis ‘hates’ it, Conte loves it: that’s why he buys it from him without saying a word | First victory on the market for AC

Antonio Conte, Napoli coach, and Aurelio De Laurentiis, Napoli President, at the time of signing the new coach’s contract/

The coach from Lecce is having a very low influence on the choices of the President of Napoli who wants to please his new coach.

The refoundation has just begun and the ideas for the future seem to be clear and well defined. Napoli, after a disastrous season in which they failed even to qualify for Europe, it starts again from Antonio Conte and does so by investing very strongly on the Lecce coach who will receive 8 million euros net per season.

The Italian match is the latest in a long series for the coach from Lecce who continues to be fascinated by the hot spots, but above all by teams that they come from difficult times and must recover also thanks to his grithis ideas and his enthusiasm.

And, just take a look at social media or around the city of Naples, to understand how much the environment has rekindled and travels on the wings of enthusiasm, but above all dreaming big. Antonio Conte has already started his work and, together with the new sporting director, Giovanni Manna, is planning the team that he will have at his disposal for next season.

There are still several problems to resolve, especially relating to transfers or probable transfers. Osimhen is on the market, but there are currently no buyers and his failure to sell would block the search for a new striker which has already started in Naples. Di Lorenzo and Kvarastkhelia, however, have made it known, through their agents, that they want to leave the Neapolitan club, but for De Laurentiis they remain untransferable.

Naples, defense reinforcements

We will see how these two tug-of-wars will end and we will certainly know more after the respective European championships of the two players, but Napoli in the meantime cannot stand still and watch and have already moved to strengthen the current squad. In this first phase of the transfer market the Neapolitans are very active on the defense front.

A department that needs to be completely redone and in which only Rrahmani should still be part of the technical project compared to the squad he faced last season. Napoli seems to have already closed for Rafa Marin, 2002 class defender owned by Real Madrid who did very well at Alaves last season. The operation will be done on loan with right of redemption and counter-ransom by the Spaniards.

Leonardo Spinazzola, left back out of contract with Roma, is of interest to Napoli/

Transfer market, Spinazzola says yes to Napoli

Two other objectives for the defense remain Alessandro Buongiorno, Torino central defender followed for some time by Napolifor which the gap between supply and demand seems minimal, and Mario Hermoso, a Spanish centre-back who will be released from Atletico Madrid on 30 June and should arrive in Campania. For the left flank, instead, here is the idea Leonardo Spinazzola.

The 31-year-old left back, European champion with Italy in 2021, did not renew his expiring contract with Roma and continue talking to Conte and Manna. Spinazzola seems to have accepted the Neapolitan offer which includes a contract until 30 June 2025 and a renewal option for another year and now it will be up to Napoli to decide whether to definitively close the deal or not.

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