from the online “feud” to the shootings

Rita De Crescenzo and Rosa Macor accuse each other through videos on social media after injuring their children; The Police and Carabinieri are investigating the matter.

Two ambushes in one week, three young people ended up in hospital (one of them in very serious conditions), the mothers of two of the victims who accuse each other on social media. A situation that still needs to be clarified, the one that is keeping the Carabinieri and the police busy and which involves two “well-known faces” of the Neapolitan Tiktok panorama: Rita De Crescenzo, also well known at a national level, and Rosa Macor, who seems to have had several disagreements with the former lately. But what kind of contrasts are we talking about? Rumors, back and forth made of allusions, some insults that fly. Nothing that might make you think of knives and guns, in short, but the two women themselves are talking about a connection between virtual discussions and real bloody events.

Rita De Crescenzo’s son injured

The first episode dates back to the night between June 19 and 20. Rita De Crescenzo’s son was attacked by two people, apparently two non-EU citizens, while he was on a scooter in the Maddalena area, in the center of Naples. The mother, again on social media, first talks about an attempted robbery but then accuses the other: she says she is convinced that it is a set-up and that the “rival” would have paid someone to have her son injured. She does not name names, but the reference is immediately picked up by followers.

The ambush against Rosa Macor’s son

Barely a week passes and two young people are injured in the Banchi Nuovi area: they are in via Santa Chiara when someone opens fire on them. It concerns a 22-year-old, shot in the leg, and a 25-year-old, whose conditions are decidedly more serious: a bullet hits him in the lower abdomen, he ends up in hospital with a guarded prognosis and life-threatening. Both have no criminal record, but the 22-year-old has a “cumbersome” relationship: he is the nephew of Eduardo Saltalamacchia, boss of the Quartieri Spagnoli. And he is the son of Rosa Macor, the other tiktoker. Who, on social media, lashes out against Rita De Crescenzo. In a video, quickly shared and still available although deleted from his account, he accuses: “Infamona, did you send to shoot my son? Everyone needs to know this now. It’s war“.

Rita De Crescenzo’s son was injured, she accuses a TikToker on social media: “Who did you pay?”

The hypothesis of the fight over a girl

The tiktoker at this point goes back to the police and reports her rival for defamation: she has nothing to do with it, she claims, and adds that the boy could have been shot because of an argument related to a relationship with a local girl. Then, the reply on social media: ” You know well where this thing came from“, he says in the video, addressing the other woman and her family. At the moment, it is worth pointing out, no investigative findings in this sense would have emerged. That is: net of the accusations that rain down from one side and the other, there are no elements that actually trace the injuries to the “feud” between the two tiktokers.

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