Volley Calabria, Rossonese volleyball celebrates 50 years of history between glory and financial challenges

Volley Calabria, Rossonese volleyball celebrates 50 years of history between glory and financial challenges
Volley Calabria, Rossonese volleyball celebrates 50 years of history between glory and financial challenges

In the city of Corigliano Rossano, and in particular in the urban area of ​​Rossano, an important milestone was recently celebrated: the 50 years of local volleyball history. The event was an occasion of joy and celebration for the community, who witnessed Daniele Laviaworld and European champion, take an active part in the celebrations.

However, the celebration has been overshadowed by financial difficulties that threaten the team’s future. Among those present Carmelo Sestito, Regional President of the Italian Volleyball Federation Calabria, who highlighted the intense period that Calabria is going through in the sector. Currently, the region is at the center of significant sporting events, including the prestigious Regions trophy in Corigliano Rossano, which sees the participation of 42 youth teams, divided equally between male and female. This trophy is considered one of the most important in the youth volleyball field. In addition, Sestito underlined the presence of three Italian national teams in Camigliatello Silano, busy preparing for the European World Cup, with a series of friendly matches scheduled against Brazil, France, Lithuania, Finland and Albania in the months of July and August. At the same time, a San Giovanni in Fiore was inaugurated on Three Seas Trophy, involving six southern regions with the participation of 12 teams. The president highlighted how Calabria is doing emerging as a point of reference on the national scene of volleyball, demonstrated by the simultaneity of various activities and events that demonstrate the enthusiasm and commitment of the region in promoting this sport.

The importance of entrepreneurs and administrations

Sestito focused on the importance of the involvement of entrepreneurs and local administrations in supporting sports activities, including volleyball, recognizing that local authorities represent the State in this area, given the limited financial capacity of the provinces concentrated on other sectors such as education and infrastructure. The positive effect of sporting events on the growth of tourism was another point emphasized by Sestito, focusing on the European World Cup in Camigliatello Silano whose event attracted visitors during the months less frequented by tourists. Finally, the importance of continued support from public institutions, such as the Region, was reiterated, nel maintain and develop these sporting initiatives. Look carefully at the possible provision on popular ownership, which can also be extended to volleyball and other sports, as an innovative solution to improve financial support for sports clubs, without however falling into bureaucratic complications that could hinder their operations.

The push through popular ownership

Among the guests was the senator Ernesto Rapani which paid homage to the 50 years of volleyball history in Rossano, recognizing the crucial role of William Labonia as a pioneer of this sport. A discipline that has brought out numerous talents, among which world-famous figures such as Daniele Lavia and Gabriele Laurenzano, helping to make the entire community of Corigliano-Rossano proud. However, Sen expressed deep concern for the future of Rossoneri volleyball due to the lack of sponsors, a situation that seriously threatens the sports season. To deal with this impending crisis, Rapani proposed a joint intervention of local, provincial and regional institutions. He recalled the Bill (DDL) aimed at directly involving fans and enthusiasts in the financing of the team through popular ownership. This approach could ensure the continuation of a decent championship without placing an undue burden on individuals.

The economic crisis confirmed

Guglielmo Labonia, founder and president emeritus of Rossano volleyball, he fervently explained how the idea of ​​founding this sports facility was born. Since high school, Labonia has cultivated a deep passion for volleyball. Once he returned to Rossano after his university studies, he noted with regret the absence of this sport in his city. Moved by determination and the desire to fill this gap, Labonia and a group of friends formed a team that debuted in the first FIPAV championship in 1974. This was the beginning of a long and rewarding journey through volleyball grow in popularity in Rossano. With the passing years, volleyball gained notoriety and the organization has developed, including a women’s sector. The number of members has grown significantly, reaching counting between 700 and 800 participants.

The team has achieved important successes by participating in various championships, radding Serie B1 in both the men’s and women’s sectors. Despite the focus on competitions, Labonia has always placed particular emphasis on the recruitment and training of young talents. He proudly underlined that Rossoneri volleyball had the merit of bringing out, in addition to Lavia and Laurenzano, eight other boys up to Serie A, testimony to the effectiveness of the work carried out over the years. However, he does not hide his concerns for the future of Rossoneri volleyball, highlighting the lack of a main sponsor that has supported the team in recent years. Faced with this financial challenge, Labonia and his team are actively seeking the support of numerous small sponsors and are considering the possibility to introduce a “popular shareholding” system.

This system, based on the subscription of membership fees, could broaden the base of financial support, directly involving the community of enthusiasts and supporters. Labonia believes that the significant number of members can contribute substantially to supporting activities and training through this innovative financing mechanism. The current difficulties of Rossonese volleyball, Labonia explained, derive from a combination of external and internal factors, with Covid-19 having had a heavy impact, drastically reducing the number of members and putting the organization in a critical situation. Despite the challenges, Labonia expressed confidence in overcoming this moment of crisis, recalling the team’s past experience in managing and resolving difficult situations.

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