Italy on trial, Spalletti changes with Croatia: who are the players who disappointed him the most

Italy on trial, Spalletti changes with Croatia: who are the players who disappointed him the most
Italy on trial, Spalletti changes with Croatia: who are the players who disappointed him the most

OfAlessandro Bocci, sent to Iserlhon

Tension and nervousness after the defeat against Spain, coach Spalletti calls for courage. A mini-revolution with Croatia is possible

It pours over Italy. A violent storm shook the retreat in the German countryside, worsening, if possible, the already funereal mood of the national team. Spalletti, after the morning training, gave the team half a day off for release tension, palpable, after the collapse with Spain. «The boys are depressed», the authoritative voice that comes from the Vierjahreszeiten, the hotel that hosts the blue group. Defeat could have been foreseen against Spain. Not like that, though. One slap that burns. A brutal scalingwhich widens the boundary of uncertainty and opens the time for processes.

But this is not the time for easy catastrophism, even if the two real games we lost both of the Spallotti era, with England and this one with Spain. And if at Wembley we held the field for an hour and played even better than the English, at Gelsenkirchen we were humiliated. La Roja did what Spalletti dreams of for his team: intensity, high re-aggression, quality and speed in dribbling, insertions. Personality. The plan to challenge the Spaniards on their home turf was a failure, like some choices, starting with Di Lorenzo, the worst in terms of distance, crushed by the elusive Nico Williams. But others have stopped. Above all first-tier players, Jorginho and Chiesa above all, Barella himself.

The coach was clear: «There’s no going back. Having a team that doesn’t dribble and leaves the ball to others is not a type of football I like and it’s difficult for me to teach it. I couldn’t do it.” The road to the future is a proactive, courageous and playful Italy. May it be ready for the 2026 World Cup. But may it not say goodbye to the European Championship at the end of the first phase. It would be an atrocious disappointment. The situation in group B is not simple, but not dramatic either. A point against Croatia would be enough to be certain of second place and eighth in Berlin, probably with Switzerland. And in the event of an unfortunate defeat in two days’ time, we can always hope for third place, as long as Spain doesn’t shy away from Albania. In the meantime we must find serenity and conviction and the desire to get back on top. Donnarumma, the captain who kept us up in the most atrocious night, put his face to it: «We have not suddenly become scarce. Now we must not lose heart and think that Croatia is a great opportunity.”

Also a big risk. She doesn’t play at the speed of the Spaniards, but she is expert, smart, dangerous. And we, suddenly, are returned fragile. After the defeat, in front of 80 pinse, many of them were consumed by the Italian delegation returning to the hotel from Gelsenkirchen, Spalletti took stock of the situation with president Gravina and yesterday, before training, he kept the team in touch. A fifteen minute speech to remind everyone that we are Italy and that we must not be afraid.
It won’t be easy to manage this long one eve of passion. The nerves are tense. After beating Albania, the reserves’ training was opened, including the practice match. Yesterday, however, it remained closed after the classic quarter of an hour required by regulation. And the coach has changed the program leading up to the match of truth: no dress rehearsal in Leipzig, but once again in the secret fort of Iserlohn, a kind of comfort zone. Choosing the right team won’t be easy either. The one outclassed by Spain, the same one that won on its debut, will be remodeled. We will understand how much after today’s tactical work. There are many knots.

One above all, the director. Jorginho, left on the bench at the end of the first half, took to the dock because he did not help Italy take control of the game. “Come and get the ball otherwise there’s no point in playing,” Luciano shouted on the bench, caught by the TV microphones. Cristante, the alternative, has more defensive characteristics, which do not go well with the Spallotti’s desire to control the match. Fagioli, on the other hand, has been inactive for 7 months and entrusting him with the keys to the midfield on such a delicate night is not an easy choice. «Spain impressed me, but with Croatia it will be different, even the rhythms will be different. We can play it to the best of our ability. The important thing is not to be afraid and if you have it you have to overcome it. We must find ourselves after the skid against the Spanish”, the thought of Buffon, the only voice after the storm. Italy only has to follow the old champion and hope that Spalletti manages to turn the light on again. There are just two days to get back on your feet.

June 22, 2024


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