“Verstappen useless champion”, Vanzini unleashes the web. Ditto the comparison with Schumacher and Jordan’s Senna

“Verstappen useless champion”, Vanzini unleashes the web. Ditto the comparison with Schumacher and Jordan’s Senna
“Verstappen useless champion”, Vanzini unleashes the web. Ditto the comparison with Schumacher and Jordan’s Senna

Finally here we are. There F1 has exhausted the break and is preparing to restart the engines for the return to the track. Just a few more hours and then it will be Spanish Grand Prix. In the meantime, however, with a week’s break in between, the sentences, the interviews, and sometimes the provocations were wasted. Among these, the phrase pronounced by. caused a great stir Carlo Vanziniofficial commentator in Italy for Formula 1 for Sky who spoke without half measures about “Max Verstappen as a useless champion”.

The results on the web were not long in coming where everything is amplified between pros and cons. The most classic of the social storms which also involved another sentence, this time a comparison, which had the former team principal of the team of the same name as protagonist, Eddie Jordan which compared two greats of the past, Michael Schumacher And Ayrton Senna precisely with Max Verstappen. Provoking reactions from the internet here too.

F1, Carlo Vanzini provokes: “Verstappen, if he wasn’t there, no one would notice”

Before leaving for Spain, the voice of Italian Formula 1 Carlo Vanzini was a guest on the podcast Guruland. Among many things, the Sky Sport F1 commentator was asked to draw up a ranking of his personal top ten favorite drivers.

Vanzini put Gilles Villeneuve in first place, on the podium Lewis Hamilton And Ayrton Senna4th Alonso even ahead of two multiple world champions with Michael Schumacher And Max Verstappen. What caused a stir was the reason for the 6th place awarded to the current reigning Dutch champion:

“”Verstappen at the moment he is the strongest world champion among those I have seen racing, but also, pass the term, the most useless. If she were to retire tomorrow, few would miss him. Because there is something inhuman about his superiority. He’s not a character.”

Vanzini’s sentence about Verstappen unleashes all hell

The words of Carlo Vanzini they bounced around the web and ended up on various message boards, posts and social media pages dedicated to F1. Obviously they caused more discussion than the top ten in themselves where the 7-time world champion, 5 with Ferrari, Michael Schumacher, was relegated to 5th place. But it’s the phrase above Verstappen the one that most causes discussion among the people of the internet, the one relating to its “uselessness”.

Keyboard lions do not forgive certain statements and so you can read it in the comments “Someone who says something like that should be commenting on cricket other than F1”it’s still “Max sixth and Hamilton second not even in the worst multiverse”but there are those who go beyond Vanzini’s words: “This is the problem of current F1 and most of its followers. You have to be a character, before you are a driver. It doesn’t matter if you are a generational talent, if you don’t act like a fool in the paddock.”

But there are also those who agree with Vanzini: “Honestly, this isn’t all that great a phenomenon. Give him a car that runs 2 seconds less and let’s see if he can improve it and take it to victory… then we’ll talk about it again. N.B. the missile he has is provided to him by the engineers already ready. He just has to guide it”. While for all the “widows” of the free-to-air races on Rai with Gianfranco Mazzoni’s commentary there are those who write: “For those who criticize Vanzini, they never had the chance to watch a GP on Rai where you felt like throwing your TV from the sixth floor because of their incompetence!”

F1, Jordan also provokes: “Verstappen better than Schumacher and Senna”

The stop evidently increased the hype of the interviews, reflections, comparisons and comparisons. The unlikely ones between great champions of different eras that always provoke fierce discussions. Like the one born from a phrase by Eddie Jordan. The former team principal and owner of the eponymous team, always provocative, speaking in his F1 podcast said without batting an eyelid:

“I honestly believe with all my heart that if you could put Senna, Schumacher and Max in the same carin the same race at a given time, Max would prevail on both”.

Even in this case the web has not been kind to good old Jordan. The phrases are the most disparate, from the seraphic “put the fiasco down Eddie” to those who regret the impossibility of seeing these phenomena from different eras actually compete on the track “but how wonderful it would be to have a GP with Schumacher, Senna, Verstappen, Hamilton, Prost and all the other great champions…”. Nice to dream, yeah. Perhaps that’s the best thing about these comparisons, in F1 as in all other sports.

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Source: Getty
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