From next Friday the Catte Cup football event in Oristano La Nuova Sardegna

From next Friday the Catte Cup football event in Oristano La Nuova Sardegna
From next Friday the Catte Cup football event in Oristano La Nuova Sardegna

Oristano. Sport and music together represent a formidable alternative to the boredom that arises from the absence of valid points of reference and the lack of spaces in which young people can meet and discuss. The diocese does its part. The Archbishop Roberto Carboni and the Rector of the Seminary Monsignor Alessandro Floris, make the spaces available to young people who propose social promotion initiatives. And it is in this context that the 2024 edition of Catte Cup and Catte Fest fits in: a seven-a-side football tournament with 50 teams, over 400 athletes, whose common denominator is friendship, and a music festival. The event, curated by ASD Sonica with the support of the Municipality and the Youth Council, will begin on June 21st and end on August 2nd, the date of the festival.

“We are the custodians of the assets of the Diocese, our duty is to preserve them for those who come after, not to close them or keep them just for us”, said Archbishop Roberto Carboni on the sidelines of the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Archdiocese Arborense, the Municipality and ASD Sonica, which will benefit from the use of the Cathedral square and the Seminary football field for the next two years. «I congratulate these young people because I understand that behind a sporting event like this there is commitment, a lot of sacrifice, determination. It is nice that they spend money on young people, an age group that is not very involved today and which, instead, through sport, music, art, shows manages to find themselves, to be together, to express all their desire to sociality”.

Monsignor Floris added that he was happy «to open the doors, or rather to throw open our gates to young people so that they have the opportunity to experience this event. Which is not just a moment of sport but has a greater value: firstly for the enormous sacrifice that takes place behind the scenes and then for the aggregative and social proposal that the event has in itself”. From the president of ASD Sonica, Mattia Murru, thanks to the “Archbishop and the Mayor, to whom we express our satisfaction for this act which officially sanctions the collaboration for an event born almost as a game among the kids who frequented the Cathedral square and which, over the years, has become a aggregation and sporting point of reference for many young people.” Satisfaction in the words of the mayor Massimiliano Sanna. “We too, with this signature, are teaming up with the hope that this moment can be an inspiration for many others too.” Giorgia Leo: «The Catte Cup is an opportunity for aggregation and sociality, almost of a large family coming together, which deserves to be encouraged and supported».

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