Lazio transfer market, Lotito confirms Tudor but tension remains

A summit to clarify and relaunch the project. And to ward off the welter of rumors according to which the relationship is already in crisis. However, tensions exist and derive from different views on how to approach the next market. But at the moment it is not possible to predict whether these frictions will be resolved or whether they will result in a full-blown crisis whose outcome could also have sensational outcomes. Last night Lazio coach Igor Tudor, accompanied by his agent Antony Seric, met president Claudio Lotito and sporting director Angelo Fabiani in Formello. The summit began around 8pm between Fabiani, Tudor and Seric, then around 9.30pm Lotito joined the group and from that moment the summit got to the heart of things and continued until late.

Lazio’s strategies

When, after the match against Sassuolo faced by Lazio on the final day, Tudor and the club’s top management met at the Olimpico, it was decided that there would subsequently be a new appointment to further fine-tune the transfer strategies . No date had been set, but for obvious reasons the meeting would have taken place in the first ten days of June at the latest. The fact that the parties decided to meet yesterday is therefore not a bolt from the blue. It’s true that telephone contacts between the coach and the sporting director have been daily in recent days, but a face-to-face discussion was needed to establish boundaries and understand in advance what is possible and what is not. The club reiterated to the coach that, especially with regards to transfers, he does not accept diktats. There are investments to be preserved, assets to be safeguarded. Players such as Guendouzi, Rovella and Isaksen are also transferable for the Croatian coach, for whom the Biancoceleste club has put a total of almost 50 million on the table (18 for the Frenchman, 12 for the Dane and 17 for the Italian). Giving up these players would mean disavowing the last market, but above all losing a lot of money. And this was told to Tudor in a stark manner. But also when it comes to purchases, the club wants to act autonomously. He will certainly accept the coach’s instructions, but only with regards to the roles to be strengthened. You will change the names according to your needs. As he has already done for the first purchase made, that of Tchaouna from Salernitana (a profile which was also appreciated by Tudor).

Divorce with tudor?

The company’s diktat didn’t surprise Tudor, but it certainly didn’t excite him either. In the last press conferences before the end of the championship, the Split coach had explained that he wanted to influence market choices, that he wanted to be at the center of strategies. In this way he would be up to a certain point and this can obviously be a big problem. However, the club renewed their full trust in him, told him that he is the coach and that there is no intention of changing his mind. But the coach has such doubts, and it is no coincidence that he brought his agent to the top. A breakup, at least for the moment, doesn’t seem around the corner. But it cannot be ruled out either. And it seems that, behind Vincenzo Italiano’s hesitations in signing for Bologna, there is precisely the possibility of a turnaround that brings him to the Biancoceleste bench. In this case he would be Tudor’s replacement, provided he doesn’t sign for Bologna first, however.

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