Biden, merciless poll: “He does not have mental health”. The percentage

Biden, merciless poll: “He does not have mental health”. The percentage
Biden, merciless poll: “He does not have mental health”. The percentage

The performance of Joe Biden, who clashed with Donald Trump for the first time, did not convince the citizens of the United States. Some noted the lack of promptness in the response. Someone else returned to underline the president’s age. Someone else has circulated rumors of an earthquake among the Dems. Now a merciless piece of data has arrived. Seventy-two percent of registered U.S. voters believe the current president of the United States “does not have the mental and cognitive health necessary” to serve as head of state, and a similar percentage say the president should not pursue his candidacy for a second term in the White House.

Read also: Tonight Italy, Feltri crashes Biden: “He should withdraw”. Then the prophecy: “Trump will win”

This is according to a poll released by CBS News a few days after the first presidential debate on Thursday, June 27, which has caused great concern among Democrats in light of Biden’s evident difficulties in the confrontation with his Republican opponent Donald Trump. As CBS News pointed out, already on June 9, in a similar poll, 65 percent of registered voters had expressed doubts regarding Biden’s fitness to serve as president. Last week’s debate has further fueled these fears, which are now shared by nearly two-thirds of the US electorate. As for former President Trump, 49 percent of those interviewed judge him to be mentally unfit to serve as president, while 50 percent express the opposite opinion.

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