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Welcome back Baroncini, rebirth started from France

An eighth place in the stage at the Boucles de la Mayenne. Normally a completely negligible result, one of many in a long season, but even something of so little value can have so much, it’s all relative to what’s around it. For Philip Baroncini it is the first glimmer towards rebirth.

Talking about the UAE rider almost seems to transpose the principles of “Waiting for Godot” into cycling, but it certainly cannot be said that it is the fault of the cyclist from Massa Lombarda. The last two years (but let’s also include this first part of 2024) have been dotted with injuriesof obstacles, of a misfortune that has never stopped covering with its dark veil the career of a rider who passed on the wave of enthusiasm deriving from the U23 world title, seasoned with European silver.

Baroncini resumed competing at the Giro di Romagna. In France his first Top 10
Baroncini resumed competing at the Giro di Romagna. In France his first Top 10

«I know well that an eighth place in a French stage race, of a good level but nothing more, says little, but for me it is a first step. I try to look at it positively, I have to do it after what I’ve had, after the latest stroke of bad luck with the fall and broken elbow at the GP Denain. It’s worth a lot to me.”

How much did that fracture cost you?

I was completely stopped for two weeks, then I started again and after another two weeks I was competing again in the Giro della Romagna, but clearly the much sought-after physical condition had come to an abrupt halt, all the pieces had to be put back together. Patiently I got back to work looking to the future, up to the French trip and this first, tiny signal that was still important to me.

The Denain GP was the last stroke of bad luck, a fall which caused him to fracture an elbow
The Denain GP was the last stroke of bad luck, a fall which caused him to fracture an elbow
You’re back in the race early…

Less than you might think, in fact this time I wanted to do things calmly and thoughtfully. One thing I understood in these two very difficult years is that I had to do it calmly, follow all the steps. Being hasty didn’t help me, I changed my perspective and saw that this was the right choice.

Have you ever had the doubt that the winning Baroncini as U23 had remained there, relegated to 2021?

No doubts, but I am aware that he has never been seen again and that the hopes I had when I turned professional, in the wake of those intoxicating sensations, remained hopes. I never had time to grow up. However, I know that Baroncini is still there and that he will come out sooner or later. But for this to happen there must be no more problems, no more obstacles because I have overcome far too many…

Baroncini on the 2021 world podium: his business card to enter the pros
Baroncini on the 2021 world podium: his business card to enter the pros
Do you ever have any regrets about how these two seasons went?

I look back and I can say that I could have avoided a couple of falls, they were my fault, but I paid a high price. I regret it above all because I would have liked to have had more opportunities to gain experience. It would have been important for my growth.

How was the French race?

In general it was important because I felt that I was growing a lot, I felt my condition improving day after day. I feel more confident, continuing at this pace I know that some “real” results will arrive soon.

Filippo’s fans are always active and present, now he wants to repay them with a great result
Filippo’s fans are always active and present, now he wants to repay them with a great result
Furthermore, the hottest season which is normally favorable for you is approaching…

Yes, heat has always been my strong point. I usually start early in the season because it takes me a long time to get into gear, to get into the best shape and normally the second part of the season has always been more favorable to me precisely because in the hot months I can perform better. In recent seasons I would leave as early as January to aim to achieve the best form for the classics. I hope that already in the summer I can see the best version of myself.

Where will we see you now?

Tomorrow I will be at the Brussels Classic, then there will be races that are congenial to me such as the GP of the Canton of Aargau and the Tour of Slovenia where there are stages that can give me satisfaction. All thinking about the Italian championship which is circled in red in my diary because it’s on a path that works great for me. I will compete in both the time trial and the road race and I expect a lot from those races.

The Romagna time trial. He will be competing at the Italian championships on June 20th in Grosseto
The Romagna time trial. He will be competing at the Italian championships on June 20th in Grosseto
You will make your debut in a major Giro this year, at the Vuelta. There are many weeks left, how are you approaching it psychologically?

In a calm manner, with curiosity rather than fear. In these days, during the races I’m in the room with Juan Sebastian Molano who is back from the Giro d’Italia and I asked him how he handled himself, what it means to run for three weeks. But there is time to get your head used to the great commitment, to prepare it in every way even by going to high altitude. It will be part of my growth to present the real Baroncini to everyone.

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