London, 25-year-old Italian beaten to death in coma. Anger from family members: “Nobody knows anything, abandon yourself

Marco Pannon25 years old and originally from Fondi (Latina), was the victim of a very violent assault and is in a state of coma. The beating took place outside a pub in London. The young man was beaten to death and left on the ground at the back of the club.

The boy, who is struggling between life and death, is hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the King’s College Hospital where he underwent emergency surgeryremoval of part of the skullcap.

The cause of the beating is unknown

At the moment it is yellow on the causes of beating suffered by Pannone in the night between Friday and Saturday in Brixton, a neighborhood in the south-west of the English capital.

Photo source: ANSA

The victim’s family members were notified of the situation on Saturday morning, around 10, via a message written on Facebook by a friend of Marco who contacted the older sister of the attacked young man. A dramatic message explaining that the 25-year-old had been taken to the hospital and was very ill.

Both his sister and his parents didn’t have their passports ready. The first to fly across the Channel was an uncle who works as a chef in London.

“As soon as I landed, I went to the hospital – said Massimiliano with his voice broken by tears, as Leggo reports -. A kind doctor explained to me that Marco’s conditions are very serious. That he arrived in desperate conditions and they had to remove part of the skull cap to try to reduce the pressure and save his life ”.

There is currently no other information. Marco’s parents, who landed at Gatwick airport on Sunday, are unable to find out anything.

“To the Consulate they didn’t know anything about what happened, I told them about it – Massimiliano always explained – Even from the London police almost no information. The officer handling the case went on vacation, he left me a colleague’s email and the crime record number.”

Who is Marco Pannone

Marco Pannone is a 25-year-old who has been living in London for 6 years. Uncle Massimiliano explained that he returned to Italy for a short time when the Brexit. He had to “fix all the necessary documents. He has worked as a barman in hotels, bars and pubs without ever having any problems,” the relative stressed.

Massimiliano’s anger: “We are also abandoned by the Italian institutions”

No one, at the moment, seems to know in detail what happened to Pannone. “This is absurd. Was it possible that there were no cameras inside or outside the club?” thundered the uncle who complained that he did not receive any help. In the viewfinder also and Italian institutions.

“We have been completely also abandoned by the Italian institutions – concluded Massimiliano -. We asked the Consulate for help, even an interpreter because we don’t speak the language. They took our data and then sent me an email saying they had no staff available and therefore to contact the English police”.


Photo source: ANSA

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