Tragedy in Falconara Marittina, twelve-year-old drowns in the sea after diving from the pier

Tragedy in Falconara Marittina, twelve-year-old drowns in the sea after diving from the pier
Tragedy in Falconara Marittina, twelve-year-old drowns in the sea after diving from the pier

A 12-year-old boy drowned this morning in Falconara marittina, in the province of Ancona. The tragedy occurred around 11.30 am, in the waters in front of the pier near the Siesta factory. The victim, according to what Ansa has learned, is a 12-year-old born in Jesi of Nigerian origins. The little boy apparently dived from the pier, in an area where there is no obligation to monitor, and he never re-emerged from the water. The boy was with some peers who raised the alarm. The 118 air ambulance lowered a doctor with a winch onto the beach but there was already nothing left to do for the boy. His mother fell ill and was rescued. The prosecutor on duty is on site.

The alarm of friends

According to what has been learned, access to the pier and diving into the sea are prohibited. Rescuers found the twelve-year-old trapped under the pier. According to initial reconstructions, while diving from the former Bedetti Platform, the child may have hit his head and lost consciousness. His friends, not seeing him resurface, raised the alarm. The first to intervene were the lifeguards, then the personnel of the port authority and the municipal police, in addition to the rescuers of 118 and an air ambulance departed from the regional hospital of Torrette di Ancona.

Attempts at resuscitation

Once the body was located, resuscitation efforts began, lasting about twenty minutes, but were unsuccessful. The twelve-year-old’s body has already been made available to the family. The magistrate on duty, Ruggiero Dicuonzo, also arrived on site, along with the Carabinieri. Investigators will have to verify what happened, including the safety regulations in force in that area.

No autopsy is planned

The death of the 12-year-old does not require further investigation. Therefore, an autopsy has not been ordered on the body, which has instead already been returned to the family with the green light of the magistrate on duty, Ruggiero Dicuonzo.

School: “A loss that leaves the entire school community dismayed”

A message of condolence and a black ribbon were published on the website of the Raffaello Sanzio Comprehensive Institute that the 12-year-old attended. “With deep emotion – reads the message – we learned the news of the tragic death of one of our young students: a loss that leaves the entire school community dismayed. The head teacher, the teachers, the Ata staff, the students of the ‘IC Raffaello Sanzio clings to the pain of his family.”

Mourning in Falconara: no events

The mayor of Falconara Marittima Stefania Signorini has declared a day of mourning and cancelled the scheduled events. “On behalf of the Falconara community, I am close to the family of the little boy who lost his life at sea today. This tragedy has broken my heart and touched everyone’s heart. As a sign of respect and condolences, the municipal administration has decided to declare a day of mourning, which will involve the cancellation of all public events scheduled for this evening,” wrote Signorini, before thanking “the lifeguards, the beach operators, the Falconara Yellow Cross involved in the first aid service arranged by the Municipality who intervened from the very first moments to search for the child, as well as our local police, the coast guard and the carabinieri who handled the emergency with the utmost professionalism.” “A heartfelt thank you to everyone and a big hug to the little boy’s family,” she concluded.

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