On the center-left he challenges run-offs, Schlein rejoices. Donzelli: ‘I don’t understand the enthusiasm’

The center-left conquers all the regional capitals that went to the polls. The majority in the second round wins in Lecce, Rovigo, Verbania and Caltanissetta, protagonists of a change of color. The dem leader: “A historic victory for the Democratic Party and the progressive camp”. The FdI organization manager: “The centre-right has wrested 4 provincial capitals from the centre-left, while the centre-left only 3. Therefore the centre-right increases the number of administrative capitals and the centre-left loses one”

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In the challenge of the run-offs, the center-left wins by winning all five regional capitals that went to the polls (there are six considering Cagliari won in the first round). For the majority, however, the positive results come from Lecce, where Adriana Poli Bortone returns, Rovigo, Verbania and Caltanissetta, municipalities that change color moving to the centre-right. If we also consider the outcome of the first round, out of the 29 provincial capitals voting, 17 went to the centre-left, 10 to the centre-right and two to civic candidates. The result of the administrative elections in the capitals also tells of a record, never so many women: six out of 14 are the first citizens who will lead as many cities in the capitals (THE RESULTS MUNICIPALITY BY MUNICIPALITY).

Schlein: “The cities sent a clear message to Meloni”

“A historic victory for the Democratic Party and the progressive camp”, claims the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein, who found further confirmation after the growth recorded with the vote in the European elections. “It is irrevocable: the cities have rejected the right that governs – adds the dem leader – and sent a clear message to Giorgia Meloni. No more cuts to healthcare, no more low wages and no more differentiated autonomy”. “Citizens reward the projects of agreement between the opposition forces – comments the M5S in a note – the result not of palace alchemy but of a convergence that is consolidating in the parliamentary halls as well as in the squares. This is a fact that comforts and encourages us to continue.”

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Municipal elections, Funaro (centre-left) wins in Florence. Results

Donzelli: “We have wrested more cities from them”

On the other hand, Fratelli d’Italia claims to have won more municipalities from the other coalition: 4 to 3, underlines the organization manager Giovanni Donzelli in an interview with The Corriere della Sera: “I don’t understand the enthusiasm on the left, it seems excessive to me. But that’s fine, if they celebrate when they go down to minus one in the provincial capitals, that’s fine with us.” “The result – he says – is that it ends up four to three for the centre-right. The centre-right has wrested four provincial capitals from the centre-left, while the centre-left only three. So, in the end, the centre-right increases the number of administrative capitals and the centre-left loses one An important growth confirming both the good national and territorial governance”. For Donzelli, “it is always difficult to draw general political results from local elections, especially run-offs. The political fact that emerges is that there is a solidity of the centre-right and a confirmation of the good work being done. Then of course there are the individual cases For example, in my Florence I honestly would have preferred to win, this is out of the question. Then there are the cases in which the victory was achieved with very few votes of difference.”

in-depth analysis

Municipal elections, turnout was 47.71%


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