“Dirty Jewess.” Three peers convicted

Paris, June 20, 2024 – They rape someone 12 year old girlthey ask her questions about Israel and insult her: “Dirty Jewess”. A very violent scene committed by two 13 year old teenagers and filmed by an accomplice, also a minor.

They were convicted for gang sexual violenceaggravated by anti-Semitic insults two 13 year old French teenagers. While a third boy, aged 12, was the subject of a judicial educational order for having filmed with cell phone rape.

Learn more:

Twelve year old raped because she was Jewish. The historian: “Hatred rooted in society”

The story of the 12 year old

The violence occurred on Saturday evening in Courbevoie, French town in the department of Hauts-de-Seine, in the Île-de-France region. The police had been contacted by a young girl who he was crying and shaking: she said she was the victim of a gang rape.

The young victim explained to the police that, in agreement with her parents, she had left home in the afternoon to meet a friend. On the street, she met two young men who had it forced by force to reach an abandoned place. Soon after, the two were joined by another teenager.

Beaten and raped: “Dirty Jew”

The girl was beaten, raped and insulted for his Jewish religion. One of her teenagers did it to her questions about Israelinsulting her as a “dirty Jewess”. The third teenager filmed the scene.

The judge ordered the mass precautionary custody in prison of the two 13-year-old teenagers: one was locked up in the Nanterre penitentiary institute, the other in Porcheville, in Yvelines.

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