“Big leap”, what will he do now

The award-winning journalist is ready to step aside to make room for young people, after a very respectable career: the words of the UsigRai union

Rosanna Ilaria Donato

Web Content Editor

Graduated in Media Languages, I have been dedicated to the world of entertainment for 10 years. I worked as a freelance web content editor for various publications.

A career to remember Giovanna BotteriRai journalist now ready to go on pension. He has always carried out his work with great dedication and professionalism for many years: from Rome to Beijing, from Paris to New York and even to war zones. And, among other things, she was the first to break the dramatic live news of a lethal virus in China when the event had not yet turned into a real Covid-19 pandemic. Let’s find out together, from the official press release UsigRaithe Rai journalists’ union, what his colleagues think of his work and, from the person directly involved, what he will do now that he is retiring.

Giovanna Botteri “icon of public service”

In a moving official note, UsigRai expressed all his admiration towards Giovanna Botteri, defining her as an example for all future generations: “There are journalists so trained that they themselves become icons of a profession. So it is for Giovanna Botteri that today she has reached retirement. Her career, from the headquarters in Trieste to Rome, from New York, passing through Beijing and Paris, from matters of customs to correspondence from the war, was a clear path that very few can manage.“.

The note underlined all those qualities that have made the journalist a true icon of the world of television information: “Elegance, calmness, lucidity, balancebut above all a complete one adherence to the values ​​and mission of the public service they have been and will be an example for generations of journalists. Never over the top, Giovanna Botteri has achieved great popularity simply by carrying out her job with dedication as a correspondent who tells without reservation what she sees. Heartfelt thanks from UsigRai and all her colleagues go to her colleagues who have seen and will see a point of reference in her in carrying out their profession“. Heartfelt words, full of esteem and awareness.

Giovanna Botteri: what she will do after retirement

Giovanna Botteri has no intention of letting herself go, there is much more in her plans: “It’s all a bit strange, from today it will be different: I will return to Italy, it is certainly a big change but change can also be positive. I think there are those two or three things that I know how to do, and I think I will continue to do them. Of course it’s a big leap, I’ve been living abroad for many years now, but that’s life, it’s also right to take over from young people, to pass the baton, there are very good young journalists around. It’s a natural rotation. There will be more time for passions, for going to the stadium. After all, it’s not like she died, I just retired“. We will probably see her as a commentator and guest on TV programs and she will continue her activity as a writer, but to find out more we will have to wait until she is directly interested in announcing her new projects.

TV Guide

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