Claudio Borghi, the Northern League member against Mattarella: «A concentric order to the newspapers to attack me, but I don’t portray it»

Claudio Borghi, the Northern League member against Mattarella: «A concentric order to the newspapers to attack me, but I don’t portray it»
Claudio Borghi, the Northern League member against Mattarella: «A concentric order to the newspapers to attack me, but I don’t portray it»

«The concentric order has arrived to all the newspapers to attack me at every level. Everyone mobilized, from Corriere to Foglio to write articles against my modest person. Good, VERY GOOD.” A tweet published at 2.5pm by Lega senator Claudio Borghi perfectly describes the encirclement syndrome of Matteo Salvini’s loyalist who entered politics to take Italy out of the euro. And that in the meantime he has found other enemies along the way: the Green Pass and the flag of the European Union. On the other hand, his “minimum programme” for the European elections makes a fine show, set high up on European, no more weapons for Ukraine, more friendship with Trump, no to house taxes.”

Villages, Bagnai, Vannacci and Crippa

On the Corriere della Sera it is Fabrizio Roncone who «attacks at every level, mobilizing» Borghi. Defined as Salvini’s pet, “true pillar of his elite troop – with him that giant Alberto Bagnai and General Vannacci, plus deputy secretary Andrea Crippa”, recently paparazzi with Anna Falchi. The Courier summarizes the career of the former delivery boy who became a stockbroker and broker at Deutsche Bank, as well as a contract professor at the Catholic University and an expert in contemporary art. It is Borghi, says Corriere, who convinces Salvini to embrace exit from the euro. It is he who advises the Captain to read The Sunset of the Euro by Alberto Bagnai, a true bible for those who want Italy out of the single currency. And never mind if after so many displays of t-shirts with the words “No euro” in the meantime the topic has ended up a little out of the discussion of the League and of the Captain himself.

Enlightened on the path of Draghi

Also due to the hostility of the Northern colonels, someone says. While both Borghi and Bagnai at the time of the Draghi government chose a soft line: “He’s Ronaldo, a champion.” Or: “I have always respected him”, the statements attributed to the two. According to Roncone, at a certain point both «suddenly, from No euro they become No-vax (even if everyone, including the Northern League governors Zaia and Fedriga, involved on the anti-Covid front, have always had the suspicion that a couple of saving syringes if Let him be shot too, Borghi.” At Christmas, when the Meloni government rejects the ESM, Borghi sneers in Transatlantico: “And soon we’ll go back to the lira too.” The paper instead it recalls the battle for minibots at the time of the M5s-Lega government. “Not portrayed, I said a banality that I fully confirm,” he says regarding Mattarella’s resignation.

The phone calls

And never mind if the exit provoked a furious phone call from Giorgia Meloni to her deputy prime minister complete with a rush for cover by the Captain. In the past, the poetic arguments with Roberto Burioni, the outbursts about the “unreliable control units” that certify the record heat and the belligerent declarations about Germany. Even before that, the promise of an appeal to the Council against the Green Pass for parliamentarians. Meanwhile, adds Marianna Rizzini, Borghi «the Italian Parliament would leave him, if elected and if a different majority is created, preceded by his slogan, that of the League: “More Italy, less Europe”. There was a time when, at the dawn of yellow-green, Borghi enjoyed saying that he, from the right, conveyed ideas “that couldn’t be more left-wing: full employment, spending and deficits, nationalizations”. Now, however, during the election campaign in his beloved Maremma, he says that Salvini thinks like him, and vice versa.”

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