Victory and poison in the queue, Allegri-Juve is over – Football

Victory and poison in the queue, Allegri-Juve is over – Football
Victory and poison in the queue, Allegri-Juve is over – Football

The paths of Juve and Massimiliano Allegri are destined to part, it has been known for some time now. Only the times remain to be defined. Very soon – a hypothesis that seems unlikely, even if the rumors had circulated with some insistence – or in a few days, when the championship ends. But the divorce could also take place earlier, without a traumatic solution but with an agreement between the parties.

To know more Victory-and-poison-in-the-queue-Allegri- ANSA Agency Director of Tuttosport: ‘Allegri threatened me’. The coach: ‘Just an altercation’. Vaciago: ‘I have witnesses’ The FIGC prosecutor opens an investigation

What is surprising, however, is the storm that broke out after winning the Italian Cup, just as the club returned to lifting a trophy three years after the last one. Rumors of Allegri’s possible dismissal have been circling for much of the day, with Under 19 coach Montero indicated as the number one replacement candidate to lead the Bianconeri in the matches against Bologna and Monza. A ferryman, in short. The rumors of an immediate separation subsequently subsided, but at Continassa there is not a serene atmosphere, far from it. The management, in fact, is upset about what happened at the Olimpico in Rome, on and off the pitch, with Allegri who seemed almost uncontrollable.

The outburst against referee Maresca and the entire refereeing team cost him a two-match ban and a fine, but there are other episodes that have irritated Juventus’ top brass. First of all, the manager’s gesture towards Cristiano Giuntoli: that “go away” addressed to the sporting director during the celebrations on the pitch was caught by the cameras and went around social media, reaching practically every part of the world.

Then, there are the episodes in the belly of the stadium that just didn’t go down well with the club’s top management. Allegri is accused of damaging a set set up for the photoshoot, the director of Tuttosport Guido Vaciago spoke of threats received by the coach. “Director of m…! Yes, you director of m…. Write the truth in your newspaper, not what the club tells you! Stop playing hustlers with the club – the technician’s phrases reported by the journalist – to an initial invitation to stay calm and explain to me what the truth was that I was hiding in concert with his employers, Allegri responded by pulling me, pushing me and with his finger under my nose he shouted: ‘Look, I know where to come and get you . I know where to wait for you. I’ll come and tear off both your ears. I’ll come and hit you on the face.” And if Juve immediately apologized to the journalist and the editor of Tuttosport, Allegri’s version is different: his lawyer Paolo Rodella to Ansa, “completely denies and specifies that it was a heated verbal altercation with director, due to the excitement of the moment, during which both of them insulted each other out loud.”

A version that Vaciago contested in the evening with a rejoinder: “It wasn’t an altercation, but a monologue by Allegri who called me while I was about twenty meters away, and I was making a private phone call: it was, therefore, addressed to me with the phrase: ‘Put the phone down, shitty director’. He continued with all the phrases reported in my reconstruction, including the threat to come “to get me” and to “tear my ears off”. he forces his right wrist, jerking it several times. I have witnesses” In this chaos, the players tried to celebrate the victory of the fifteenth Italian cup in Juve’s history on social media.

But it is inevitable that other things will be thought of at Continassa. Allegri’s fate is now written, he will leave the Bianconeri a year before the end of his contract. We just have to understand how and when, while on Monday he returns to the field in Bologna to try to climb to third place behind Inter and Milan.

Juve annoyed by Allegri’s gestures but for now no dismissal

According to what filters from circles close to Juventus, an early conclusion of the relationship between the club and coach Massimiliano Allegri is not imminent. But the breakup now seems inevitable and it is likely that the meeting between the coach and the company’s top management to discuss the future, scheduled for the end of the season, will take place much earlier. What is certain is that the Juventus club is displeased with Allegri’s behavior yesterday in Rome, both towards the sporting institutions and the media and with the same attitude shown on the pitch towards the Juventus managers.

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