School, after Salvini’s “20% foreigners ceiling” comes Valditara: “In the classroom the majority must be Italians”

School, after Salvini’s “20% foreigners ceiling” comes Valditara: “In the classroom the majority must be Italians”
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Matteo Salvini from Porta a Porta had thrown the stone: “We need to put a ceiling on the number of foreign students in every class” said the deputy prime minister, explaining that the “20% ceiling” serves to “protect them and also protect all the other children ”. A proposal married and relaunched, a few hours later, by a […]




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Matteo Salvini from Door to door he had thrown the stone: “We must put a ceiling of foreign students in every class” said the deputy prime minister, explaining that the “ceiling of 20%” serves to “protect them and also for the protection of all other children”. A proposal embraced and relaunched, a few hours later, by another exponent of the Leaguethe Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara: “If it is agreed that foreigners assimilate on the fundamental values ​​written in the Constitution this will happen more easily if in the classes the majority will be Italians“, said the minister.

For Valditara “inclusion can happen assimilating newcomers on core values, those who are contained in the Constitution and who belong to the identity of those who welcome, or by creating the melting pot society, where everyone thinks and does what they want. The first society – he states – has an orderly and prosperous future, the second faces disintegration and chaos”. Therefore, for the Minister of Education, this will happen more easily if foreigners “study in improved Italian where they do not already know it well, if Italian history, literature, art and music are taught in depth in schools, if parents they will also be involved in learning the Italian language and culture and if they do not live in separate communities. It’s in this one direction that we intend to move”, underlines Valditara.

According to data contained in a report from Uil school to attend Italian schools is approximately one million students with non-Italian citizenship, the11.3% of the total number of students enrolled which are approximately 8 and a half million. The state schools of North Italy host more than half (62.7%) of students of non-Italian citizenship, equal to 602,387 students. In the’central Italywith a total of 213,817, recorded the 22.1%. While in the South there are a total of 151,190 students of non-Italian citizenship in their schools, equal to 15.62% of the total. It should be highlighted that under Italian law the child is also a foreign citizen born in Italy from non-Italian parents: the same one who will be able to obtain Italian citizenship by submitting an application but only after reaching the age of majority.

Criticism from the opposition comes against the sentences of Valditara and Salvini. The Minister of Education’s project “would contradict the very spirit of our Constitution, which solemnly affirms the principle of equality And non-discrimination“, replies the Democratic Party senator Francesco Verducci. “The model that the school should take inspiration from, precisely on the basis of our Constitution, is that multicultural and not that assimilationist, which has already been failing in France for some time, as is now evident,” underlines Verducci. “Those from Valditara are rants“, comments the democratic group leader in the Culture Commission of the Chamber and head of schools of the Democratic Party, Irene Manzi. “The minister of education – he adds – is now behaving like megaphone of his party secretary, Matteo Salvini”. “Many of the students who attend schools in the country they would like to be Italian but are instead considered foreigners due to a citizenship law to be reformed“, explains the deputy in a note Michela Di Biase, leader of the Democratic Party in the bicameral commission on Childhood and Adolescence. “It is serious that the Minister of Education Valditara instead pursues Salvini’s slogans. This Government and the majority parties – he concludes – continue to use immigration for their own purposes permanent electoral campaign“.

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