How is Schizophrenia remade by CAVALERA |

How is Schizophrenia remade by CAVALERA |
How is Schizophrenia remade by CAVALERA |

There is one thing I appreciate about the Cavalera brothers when they revisit historical material: they rearrange, revisit and rewrite the pieces at their discretion and liking, and, in doing so, they never shit outside the box. A bit like that time they did it again Troops of Doomwhich then ended up right inside a Schizophrenia as a bonus track at the end of an incredible masterpiece, slightly retouching the song in its central part.

The thing I don’t like at all, if you’re talking about re-record Schizophrenia without Andreas Kisser, is that that album showed an extra edge precisely by virtue of the presence of the new guitarist. It’s not like returning those songs to the rot and incompleteness of a Morbid Visions, in which Andreas Kisser was absent. But we certainly deprive them of something. The parts involved acquire a flavor that is sometimes excessively primordial, sometimes angular. Andreas Kisser is someone who smooths everything out, like Trey Azagthoth, albeit with a different technique. He never sounds sharp, and the risk is to end up on him Schizophrenia an unwanted imprint and to blame second guitarist Travis Stone, the guy from Pig Destroyer.

For the rest, the two leaders of the historic Sepultura were very good at convincing me of the goodness of their dual action. Do it all over again Morbid Visions gave it greater layering, accessibility and dynamics. Schizophrenia it loses the original charm and the presence of Andreas Kisser, and gains, if anything, a further interpretation, a more plausible drum sound exchanged for less background hiss. I’ve always wondered how that second Sepultura album would have sounded if it had been recorded in non-Third World conditions. Today two fifty-five year olds, you don’t show off like your passport photo statesthey provide us with the prompt response.

Schizophrenia It’s probably my favorite album. It’s easy to say that they are the best in history Reign in Blood or Master of Puppets. Schizophrenia it’s a personal matter, and seeing those two put their hands on it, even changing the ending of To the Wall, it should fill my face with psoriasis and various allergy rashes somewhat instantly. Since things went differently, I can only wish the two brothers to re-establish relations with Kisser and baste what you need to baste. For the moment The Abysswritten by Kisser at the time, was retitled Abismo and transformed into something different to avoid letters from the legitimate author’s lawyer, at a time when it is essential to get along.

Closes Nightmares of Delirium, an unpublished work that I would never have added to the titles that for me are Legends, but, all things considered, an unpublished work that is not at all unsatisfactory. (Marco Belardi)

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