Gianni Morandi, the memories of his children: “At home there were slaps…”. Photo and video

Gianni Morandi, the memories of his children: “At home there were slaps…”. Photo and video
Gianni Morandi, the memories of his children: “At home there were slaps…”. Photo and video

The children of singer and actress Laura Efrikian look back on their childhood. And the parents don’t come out very well. At least, according to today’s standards

«Slaps were flying at our house. It seems that Marianna took more…” confesses Marco Morandi, Gianni Morandi’s son in a couple’s interview at Evening Run with his sister. Marianna replies: «No more than those I returned to Marco! Mom was more hands-on. Dad just had to look at us in silence and we immediately lost desire…” – photo | video

Gianni Morandi and that promise for Bologna in the Champions League… – Look

BORN FROM LOVE WITH LAURA EFRIKIAN – Marco and Marianna Morandi are the children of the singer and his first wife, the actress Laura Efrikian, known for many performances on the theater and on TV, such as The citadel, with Alberto Lupo, or early films such as musicarello Kneeling by youwhere love with Morandi blossomed.

Laura Efrikian, Gianni Morandi’s first wife tells how she was scammed – Look

SLEEPING WITH HAMLET AND DOSTOEVSKIJ – Morandi’s children look back at the album of memories, jokingly recounting the fights at home, the jokes between two children of strict parents, each in their own way. What did you get from your parents? Marco says: «From a mother, the absent-mindedness». Marianna: «Independence from mother. And the penalty from dad. But we lacked lightness. To say: my mother read to me to fall asleepHamlet». Marco: «And dad made me read aloud The idiot by Dostoevsky.”

DADDY’S LOOK – Gianni Morandi was very severe, even with just a look. When Marianna wants to make her an actress she advises against it. «She kept telling me: if you want to do something, you have to be number one. Do you want to sing? You have to be like Liza Minnelli. Do you want to be an actress? Then like Monica Vitti.” Then when Marianna stops acting to be a mother he is not happy at all. «And she was right», admits Marianna Morandi. But I haven’t given up.” She wanted to be with her children, born from love with herthe singer-songwriter Biagio Antonacci: Paolo and Giovanni, who work in the world of music.

GOLDEN LIFE (BUT NOT TOO MUCH) – A life as children of famous couples, a golden life one might think. Not always, since their parents got married in 1966 and separated in 1979. Marco: «We missed banal things: ice cream with dad, pizza on Saturday evenings. He was always mobbed. Maybe only in Monghidoro were we able to eat ice cream together.”

Gianni Morandi and the mystery of the blindfolded eye: “I got into fights”. Here’s what really happened – Look

EVERYONE ON THE BED – The solution? They went into analysis. Marianna: «Apart from the fact that we should all do it and it wouldn’t hurt. Imagine if it didn’t serve the two of us! Marco: «Our problem is that we could never make mistakes, we were “the children of”, always with the gaze of others focused on us, from how we dressed to how we behaved».

THE SECRET LOVE FOR BAGLIONI – Last curiosity. Marianna Morandi didn’t support Lucio Dalla or her father. The singer of her heart was another: «Baglioni! For my 18th birthday, dad had him come home to wish me a happy birthday. He stayed a few minutes. I was paralyzed with amazement, and now I recognize that it was a great proof of love on my father’s part: it must have cost him to ask him.”


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